Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 5)

in blurt420 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 5)


Strain Name: Blue Cookies
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Amsterdam Seeds Co.
Growing medium: Hydroponics (DWC)
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries

Previous Weekly Logs:

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4


    • Armor SI (0.5ml/gal)
    • CALiMAGic (1.5ml/gal)
    • FloraMicro (4ml/gal)
    • FloraGrow (5ml/gal)
    • HTH Super Pool shock (0.5ml/gal)

    Growing Conditions:

    Grow Phase: Veg
    Light Type: Kingbrite LED 250W QB288 LM301B 3500K 660nm
    Light Schedule: 18/6, 100% Intensity, 36 Inches from canopy.
    Air Temp: Day 26.9 C, Night 18.2 C
    Res Temp: Day 20.2 C, Night 18 C
    Res Volume: 70 Liters / 18.47 Gallons
    Relative Humidity: Day 66%, Night 57%
    TDS: 754 PPM
    PH: 6.1

    Daily Checks

    Day Water Level PPM PH RH Air C Res C Notes
    28 Falling 754 6.13 62.3 24 20.2
    29 Falling 760 6.13 62.4 23.9 20.2
    30 Falling 784 5.86 62.4 24 20.3 Topped Res up and added my CALiMAGic for Def.
    31 Static 813 6.14 62.4 24.5 20 PH Adjusted Up
    32 Falling 824 6.15 62.8 24.3 20.7
    33 Falling 826 6.16 62 23.8 20.6
    34 Falling 825 6.16 59.6 24.2 20.3

    Progress Pictures

    Grow Day 28 - Veg Day 28 (7 Oct 2020)

    Both plants are looking great today. The one of the left is behind from the damaged branches but i'll mainline it once this node grows a little more. The one on the right is doing well except the branch has not yet fully healed from a break so it's a little behind compared to the other half of the plant. I believe the issue was that i was using very thin ties for my LST that damaged the branch causing it to easily snap; I have switched to better ties this week so hopefully this doesn't happen again.

    Grow Day 29 - Veg Day 29 (8 Oct 2020)

    That split branch is slowly healing. The other side of the branch has healed up considerably overnight but it's difficult to tell from the picture.

    Grow Day 30 - Veg Day 30 (9 Oct 2020)

    Some good growth over the past 24 hours and that damaged branch has healed up a little more. I was "apparently" a little high last night because I did a late night PH adjustment but then I forgot to fully close my res lid fully so it was exposed to the light for a few hours before the lights went out.

    Grow Day 31 - Veg Day 31 (10 Oct 2020)

    The roots looked a little brown so I added 25ml of Chlorine to the res. Magnesium deficiency is looking much better today, i'm glad I added a full dose.

    Grow Day 32 - Veg Day 32 (11 Oct 2020)

    I added a scheduled 50ml of chlorine to the res.

    I topped the plant on the left to get the mainline going again. Once the 4th node has started I'll top it a second time.

    For the larger plant on the right I did a little LST. I also took off the larger fan leaves just to slow down the growth a little so the other side could catch up. I'll be ready for the second top in a few days once the 4th node as pulled a way a little from the 3rd node; I wanted to leave a little more of a nub.

    Mag def is fixed now as well.

    Grow Day 33 - Veg Day 33 (12 Oct 2020)

    I'll do the 3rd top today or tomorrow just above the third node of each branch making the final 8 colas. The small plant on the left will probably be 1-2 weeks before the 2nd top.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Dam the damage sucked bit atleast she is healing up quite nice.

Thanks for sharing.

I have found bread ties do a great job for LST. But those large rubber ones are far more supiour

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yeah, really like those thick rubber ones, I just grabbed more the other day. I'm not a big fan of the small wire one i have on there now but i used a rubber piece to protect the plant.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

What does chlorine do?

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Great question. It creates a sterile environment to fight bacteria in the reservoir. Cannabis can handle chlorine in low amounts. You could use beneficial bacteria but it's fairly expensive.