Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 2)

in blurt420 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Strain Name: Blue Cookies
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Amsterdam Seeds Co.
Growing medium: Hydroponics DWC
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries


Voodoo Juice (2ml/gal)
Armor SI (0.5ml/gal)
CALiMAGic (1.5ml/gal)
RapidStart (2.5ml/gal)
FloraMicro (4ml/gal)
FloraGrow (5ml/gal)
FloraBloom (1ml/gal)

Growing Conditions

Week: 2
Height: 5 inches
Light Schedule 18 hrs
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Resevoir Temperature: 19 C
PH: 5.8
Humidity 65% +/- 2.5%
Reservoir Volume 70 Liters / 18.47 Gallons
Light distance: 36 inches
Light Intensity 33%

Grow Day 8 - Veg Day 8 (17 Sept 2020)

RH: 64.2 %
Air Temp: 24.3
Res Temp: 20.3
PH: 5.92
PPM: 620
EC: 620 * 2 /1000 = 1.24
Water Level: Dropping
Water Profile: PPM Down, Water Down, PH Down (Do a res change or raise EC)

Day 9 - Veg Day 9 (18 Sept 2020)

RH: 64.3 %
Air Temp: 23.8 C
Res Temp: 20.2 C
PH: 5.97
PPM: 620
EC: 620 * 2 /1000 = 1.24
Water Level: Dropping
Water Profile: PPM Static, Water Static, PH Up.

Day 10 - Veg Day 10 (19 Sept 2020)

RH: 62 %
Air Temp: 23.8 C
Res Temp: 20.1 C
PH: 5.97
PPM: 615
EC: 615 * 2 /1000 = 1.23
Water Level: Dropping
Water Profile: PPM falling, Water falling, PH static.

Day 11 - Veg Day 11 (20 Sept 2020)

RH: 64%
Air Temp: 23.4 C
Res Temp: 20.6 C
PH: 6.09, Adjusted.
PPM: 619
EC: 619 * 2 /1000 = 1.238
Water Profile: PPM rising, Water falling, PH rising.

Day 12 - Veg Day 12 (21 Sept 2020)

RH: 63.7%
Air Temp: 23.2 C
Res Temp: 19.9 C
PH: 5.89
PPM: 602
EC: 602 * 2 /1000 = 1.204
Water Profile: PPM falling, Water falling, PH rising. (Perfect water profile no changes required)

Day 13 - Veg Day 13 (22 Sept 2020)

RH: 60%
Air Temp: 23.4 C
Res Temp: 20.1 C
PH: 5.9
PPM: 607
EC: 607 * 2 /1000 = 1.214
Water Level: Dropping
Water Profile: PPM rising, Water falling, PH rising. (Plant drinking more than eating)

Prepped the water for the next res change today or tomorrow.
Total Water: 70 L or 18.47 G ( I had 6 Liters left after the fill)
Tap Water: 98 ppm
After Silica: 109 ppm
After CALiMAGic: 255 ppm
After Base Nuts: 740 ppm
PH Check: 7.47 added 1ml of PH Down.
PH Check: 6.8 added 0.5 ml of PH Down
Added Voodoo Juice

Day 14 - Veg Day 14 (23 Sept 2020)

Post Res Change
RH: 64%
Air Temp: 22.8 C
Res Temp: 17.7 C
PH: 5.7
PPM: 740

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