Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 16)

in blurt420 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Wow a whopping 5 blurt for this post! Time ti move on

Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 16)


Strain Name: Blue Cookies
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Amsterdam Seeds Co.
Growing medium: Hydroponics (DWC)
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries


Previous Weekly Logs:

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6
    Week 7
    Week 8
    Week 9
    Week 10
    Week 11


      Week 8 mid-bloom of the General Hydroponics FloraSeries Drain to waste program.

    • Armor SI (1.5 ml/gal)
    • CALiMAGic (2.5 ml/gal)
    • FloraMicro (4ml /gal)
    • FloraGrow (1ml /gal)
    • FloraBloom (6ml /gal)
    • HTH Super Pool shock (5ml/gal)

    Growing Conditions:

    • Grow Phase: Flower
    • Light Type: Kingbrite LED 250W QB288 LM301B 3500K 660nm
    • Light Schedule: 12/12, 100% Intensity, 17 Inches from canopy.
    • Air Temp: Day 23 C, Night 18.2 C
    • Res Temp: Day 22 C, Night 18 C
    • Res Volume: 66 Liters / 17.44 Gallons
    • Relative Humidity: Day 50%, Night TBD
    • TDS: 620 PPM
    • PH: 5.8

    • Daily Checks

      Day RH Air Temp C Res Temp C PH PPM Notes
      Day 111 63 21 19 5.56 620 Res Change Today. Added Chlorine. Added fan to vent out the room to lower RH
      Day 112 54 20.5 19 5.45 655
      Day 113 51 21.2 20.7 5.45 724 Watered down the autofill to 625 ppm, raised PH in both
      Day 114 No checks today
      Day 115 59 22.8 21.3 6.21 739
      Day 116 55 22.5 20.9 No PH/PPM Checks today
      Day 117 55 23.3 20.9 6.28 711 Added chlorine 80ml/40ml

      Back from my 21 days of vacation and everything is looking amazing! The autofill res I setup and the Tores PerfectPH automatic PH adjuster worked like a charm. I came back after 21 days and the res was about 25% full so probably best to keep any vacation to 14 days with this setup next time. Either way, I was away from my plants for 21 days and came back to these girls.

      Progress Pictures

      Grow Day 111 - Flower Day 42 (28 Dec 2020)

      White pistols starting to go light orange with no shortage of trichomes.






      Grow Day 112 - Flower Day 43 (29 Dec 2020)

      She's just loaded with Trichs!



      Grow Day 113 - Flower Day 44 (30 Dec 2020)

      Scoped the trichs for the first time with my new USB microscope. Mostly clear trichs right now so I have a couple weeks to go for sure.




      20-12-30 14_21_24.png

      20-12-30 14_26_15.png

      20-12-30 14_23_47.png

      Grow Day 114 - Flower Day 45 (31 Dec 2020)




      Grow Day 115 - Flower Day 46 (1 Jan 2021)




      Grow Day 116 - Flower Day 47 (2 Jan 2021)

      Cola's are starting to put on some weight and 90% of the pistols are orange now.



      Grow Day 117 - Flower Day 48 (3 Jan 2021)

      Trichomes are mostly clear but I can see maybe about 10% cloudy trichs after 1 week with just a little amber starting at some top buds.

      21-01-04 11_52_44.png

      21-01-04 11_53_34.png

      21-01-04 11_52_23.png

      21-01-04 11_50_37.png

      20-12-30 14_31_38.png



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