Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 11)

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 

Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 11)


Strain Name: Blue Cookies
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Amsterdam Seeds Co.
Growing medium: Hydroponics (DWC)
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries


Previous Weekly Logs:

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6
    Week 7
    Week 8
    Week 9
    Week 10


      Week 4 Transition of the General Hydroponics FloraSeries Drain to waste program.

    • Armor SI (1 ml/gal)
    • CALiMAGic (2.5 ml/gal)
    • FloraMicro (5ml /gal)
    • FloraGrow (5ml /gal)
    • FloraBloom (2.5ml /gal)
    • HTH Super Pool shock (5ml/gal)

    Growing Conditions:

    • Grow Phase: Flower
    • Light Type: Kingbrite LED 250W QB288 LM301B 3500K 660nm
    • Light Schedule: 12/12, 100% Intensity, 17 Inches from canopy.
    • Air Temp: Day 27 C, Night 18.2 C
    • Res Temp: Day 20.2 C, Night 18 C
    • Res Volume: 66 Liters / 17.44 Gallons
    • Relative Humidity: Day 50%, Night TBD
    • TDS: 750 PPM
    • PH: 5.8

    • Daily Checks

      Day RH Air Temp C Res Temp C PH PPM Water Level Notes
      Day 70 No checks Today
      Day 71 58.8 20.8 22.8 5.73 759 Falling 1 Gallon top-up tap water (5.93/704). Added Chlorine.
      Day 72 56 20.8 22.2 5.41 724 Falling 1 Gallon top-up tap water
      Day 73 57.7 20.8 22.8 5.71 706 Falling 1 Gallon top-up tap water
      Day 74 57 21.2 23.1 5.82 688 Falling RH night 63%. Dropping RH to 55%.Added Chlorine.
      Day 75 57.1 21.1 23.2 5.55 690 Falling
      Day 76 58 20.9 22.4 6.03 627 Falling 2 Gallon top-up tap water

      Progress Pictures

      Grow Day 70 - Flower Day 1 (17 Nov 2020)

      Decided to flip to flower this week. The ScrOG is not full but i'll fill it in a little as I get the flower stretch.



      Grow Day 71 - Flower Day 2 (18 Nov 2020)

      I'm always fascinated by the flower stretch phase. She bounced back quick and has started to stretch a little as of today. I'm slowly dropping my humidity from 60% to 50% in about 1-2 % increments per day.

      I'm starting to have PH drop issues again so I've lowered my PPM to about 700 to see if that sorts it out. Saying that, she's very healthy so I can't complain.








      Grow Day 72 - Flower Day 3 (19 Nov 2020)

      Not much to report today other than a little more stretch :). The PH is starting to stabilize at PPM 704 again so it looks like my res needs a 704 PPM max at this time.





      Grow Day 73 - Flower Day 4 (20 Nov 2020)

      PH settled out at again around 700 PPM.




      Grow Day 74 - Flower Day 4 (21 Nov 2020)

      Flower day 5, starting to get a little stretch.





      Grow Day 75 - Flower Day 5 (22 Nov 2020)

      Not much to report today. I'm still running the Veg late growth nutrients for GH drain-to-waste and plan on doing a res change switching to the week 5 Transition upping the FloraBloom and decreasing the FloraMicro and FloraGro.




      Grow Day 76 - Flower Day 6 (23 Nov 2020)

      Left plant finally touched the ScrOG! The right plant is getting thick and starting to stretch a couple more inches. I'm taking off for the holidays so I'll be doing my last flower defol in about 10 days. I've also been slowing decreasing the RH down to 50% the last few days.




      I'll be away on holidays for the a couple weeks so there will be no Week 12 and Week 13 posts. I ordered the Torus Hydro PerfectPH 35 gallons to auto adjust my PH while i'm gone and I also ordered a float valve and bulkheads so I could setup an auto top-up. I'll add some pictures when I have it all setup and running.

      Happy growing!

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