Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 1)

in blurt420 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Grow 2 - Blue Cookies

Strain Name: Blue Cookies
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Amsterdam Seeds Co.
Growing medium: Hydroponics DWC
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries


Voodoo Juice (2ml/gal)
Armor SI (0.5ml/gal)
CALiMAGic (1.5ml/gal)
RapidStart (2.5ml/gal)
FloraMicro (4ml/gal)
FloraGrow (5ml/gal)
FloraBloom (1ml/gal)

Growing Conditions

Week: 1
Height: 5 inches
Light Schedule 18 hrs
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Resevoir Temperature: 19 C
PH: 5.8
Humidity 65% +/- 2.5%
Reservoir Volume 70 Liters / 18.47 Gallons
Light distance: 36 inches
Light Intensity 33%

Reservoir Checks

Grow Day 1 - Veg Day 1 (10 Sept 2020)

  • Air Temp: 21 C
  • Res Temp: 19 C
  • Humidity: 60%
  • PH: 5.85
  • PPM: 850
  • EC: 1.7 (850*2/1000)
  • Profile: EC N/A Water N/A , PH N/A

Grow Day 2 - Veg Day 2 (11 Sept 2020)

  • I've lowered the water level about 3 inches to increase the air gap as both the plants are drooping. After a few hours I can notice a slight improvement so hopefully this helps the drooping.
  • Air Temp: 22.4 C
  • Res Temp: 18.4 C
  • Humidity: 58.9%
  • PH: 6
  • PPM: 878
  • EC: 1.756 (878*2/1000)
  • Profile: EC Rising, Water Static , PH Rising

Grow Day 4 - Veg Day 4 (13 Sept 2020)

  • PH: 5.5
  • PPM: 600
  • Air Temp: 23.4 C
  • Res Temp: 18 C
  • RH: 65%
  • So many issues this early.
    1- Overwatered. My air pump was only at 50% and caused a serious lack of O2.
    2- Air gap should have been longer
    3- PPM was to high.
    4- PH pen was off about 0.5 causing my adjustments to be incorrect. Now set to exactly 5.5 and ready for a proper drift.
  • All water profiles will use this as the base moving forward.
  • I also turned my inline fan off it was causing temps to drop too low

Grow Day 5- Veg Day 5 (14 Sept 2020)

  • PH: 5.5 (Added 0.5 ml of PH up, now at 5.8)
  • PPM: 621
  • Air Temp: 23.5 C
  • Res Temp: 19.2 C
  • RH: 65%
  • Water Level: Static
  • Notes: Still fairly droopy but i'm seeing some nice root growth on both plants so it just needs a little more time.

Grow Day 6- Veg Day 6 (15 Sept 2020)

  • PH: 5.94, no adjustment made
  • PPM: 634
  • Air Temp: 23.5 C
  • Res Temp: 20 C
  • RH: 62.2%
  • Water Level: Static

Grow Day 7- Veg Day 7 (16 Sept 2020)

  • PH: 5.95, no adjustment made
  • PPM: 628
  • Air Temp: 23 C
  • Res Temp: 20 C
  • RH: 65.8%
  • Water Level: Static
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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt 😁

This looks like quite the set-up. The whole PH thing is one them reason I stayed away from DWC

That really sucks about day 4 having so many issue hope they come back no problem. They look healthy now.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks man. Yeah had some issues for sure, she should be good just slowed down a little.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yeah eh that's good. You find DWC forgiving?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Very easy to correct issues in hydro

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt! Awesome post! Tbh there has never been really any DWC grows on the chain. Possibly a few, but never in detail.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks jonyoudyer much appreciated. Well let me fill that up :)