Grow 1 - Bubba Kush

in blurt420 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Grow 1 - Bubba Kush

Strain Name: Bubba Kush
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Original Harvest Seeds
Growing medium: Hydroponics DWC
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries

This was my first ever grow and I decided to start with hydroponics from the start. The reason i chose hydro is because i wanted to be able to leave my grow for upto 1 week at a time with little maintenance. I would recommend a larger reservoir for anyone wishing to go DWC as the PH swings are much more stable with more water.


Great White
HTH Super Pool Shock
General Hydroponics FloraMicro
General Hydroponics FloraGrow
General Hydroponics FloraBloom

Growing Conditions

Week: Veg 11 Weeks, Flower 11 1
Height: 15 inches
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs Veg. 12/12 Flower
Day Air Temperature: 18-25 C
Reservoir Temperature: 18-22 C
PH: 5.5 - 6.5
Humidity 60% +/- 2.5%
Reservoir Volume 5 Gallon DWC
Light distance: 36 inches early veg, 24 inches mid veg, 18 inch Flower

Grow Weeks

Week 1 - Seedling

Seedling was transplanted to the DWC. I started off with my first deficiency (Nitrogen (N)) but at that time I just let it be.

PH: 5.8. Very fast swings from 5.5 to 6.5 daily on this first grow.
TDS: 200 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs
Plant Height: 3 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 24 C
Night Air Temperature: 20 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 1.25 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1.25 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 1.25 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 2 - Seedling

You can really see the Nitrogen (N) deficiency on the lower older growth at the tips and working it's way inward. If I had more experience I would of upped the PMM's right away or did an N foliage spray.

PH: 5.8. Very fast swings from 5.5 to 6.5 daily on this first grow.
TDS: 300 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs
Plant Height: 3 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 24 C
Night Air Temperature: 20 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 2.25 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 2.5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 3 - Seedling

Root growth looking good here now touching the reservoir. I slowly decreases the water level as the roots stretched out. The N deficiency was really bad at this point and I finally increased my feed to 780 PPM but the damage has been done and those leaves will not recover.

PH: 5.8. Very fast swings from 5.5 to 6.5 daily on this first grow.
TDS: 780 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs
Plant Height: 3 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 24 C
Night Air Temperature: 20 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 0.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 2.5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 4 - Veg

Nice growth this week for sure. Roots are really starting to branch out but the PH swings require daily adjustments.

PH: 5.8. Very fast swings from 5.5 to 6.5 daily on this first grow.
TDS: 780 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 30 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 3 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 24 C
Night Air Temperature: 20 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 0.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 2.5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 5 - Veg

Exciting, my second deficiency! haha. This would be a Calcium deficiency requiring an extra dose of CALiMAGic to correct the issue. Roots still growing strong and are nice a white with lots of branching.

I topped the plant this week and did a little low stress training (LST). Not a bad idea but I really wish I went mainlining on this plant.

PH: 5.8
TDS: 896 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 30 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 4.5 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 26 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 0.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 7.5
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 2.5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 6 - Veg

You can really see that Calcium deficiency this week but i slowly cut off those leaves as i adjusted with LST. This week I've bent the main stem over 90 degrees to expose all the plant to the light for an even canopy grow.

Not sure what i was doing this week my PPM was waaaaay to high! I also had a bad case of root rot and need to add some more great white and try and get my temps down. For any new DWC growers, res temps are extremely important and I really needed to get my res temps down to 20 C or slightly lower.

PH: 5.8
TDS: 1570PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 30 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 4.5 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 0.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 7 - Veg

Little more LST. She's looking much better this week!

PH: 5.8
TDS: 1570 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 22 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 7 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 8 - Veg

Lots of growth this week now that I have the Calcium deficiency covered and LST recovery done.

PH: 6.1
TDS: 1410 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 22 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 6 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 9 - Veg

I finally fixed the PPM issue being way to high but I ran into another case of root rot! I really needed to get those res temps down for sure to fix this issue but I did not have a res chiller.

I did a little defol and adjusted the LST die downs.

PH: 6.1
TDS: 907 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 22 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 9 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 24 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 10 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 10 - Veg

I'm getting in to the groove now on this first grow and i'm learning a lot. I did a little more defol here and then let it recover as this Bubba Kush was getting very bushy.

PH: 6
TDS: 901 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 10 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 25 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 2.5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 11 - Veg

Not much this weak, I just left it alone and adjusted the PH daily.

PH: 6
TDS: 1100 PPM
Light Schedule 18/6 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 11 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 25 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 2.5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 12 - Flower

Flower week 1 I decided to do another defol, she's looking good! That one picture really shows the shock from the defol and LST adjustments but she recovered quickly.

PH: 6
TDS: 990 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 12 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 25 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 4 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 13 - Flower

Left her alone this week, just adjusted the PH daily.

PH: 6
TDS: 700 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 12 inches
Humidity 55%
Day Air Temperature: 25 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 25 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 19 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 4 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 14 - Flower

Did the last round of defol in flower week 3

PH: 6
TDS: 710 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 13 inches
Humidity 45%
Day Air Temperature: 23 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 18 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 17 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 14 - Flower

nothing much to report just letting her grow.

PH: 6
TDS: 710 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 14 inches
Humidity 41%
Day Air Temperature: 23 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 18 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 17 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 15 - Flower

Getting a little flower stretch this week and lots of new pistols. although I really like doing LST, flower is my favorite part so far.

PH: 6
TDS: 710 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 14 inches
Humidity 41%
Day Air Temperature: 23 C
Night Air Temperature: 19 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 19 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 15 - Flower

Looking good. Nothing to do but watch and do PH checks :)

PH: 6
TDS: 710 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 14 inches
Humidity 41%
Day Air Temperature: 22 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 5 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 16 - Flower

She's looking frosty!

PH: 6
TDS: 812 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 14 inches
Humidity 41%
Day Air Temperature: 22 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 6 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 17 - Flower

Trichs are really starting to develop here and the pistols are still white; needs lots of time.

PH: 6
TDS: 711 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 24 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 14 inches
Humidity 41%
Day Air Temperature: 18 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 6 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 18 - Flower

Dropped my light down a little to 18 inches from canopy.

PH: 6
TDS: 809 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 18 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 14 inches
Humidity 41%
Day Air Temperature: 18 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 8 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 19 - Flower

Trichs are partly cloudy with no amber. Weeks to go before harvest for sure but looking really good for my first grow.

PH: 6
TDS: 809 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 18 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 14 inches
Humidity 41%
Day Air Temperature: 18 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 4 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 1 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 8 ml/gal
Great White: 0.5 g/gal

Week 20 - Flower

Switched from great white to HTH Super pool shock to go sterile. Due to COVID-19 the price of great white in Canada was ridiculous. Trichs are developing with still partly cloudy and some clear and the cola's are starting to thicken.

PH: 6
TDS: 530 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 18 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 15 inches
Humidity 40%
Day Air Temperature: 18 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 2 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 0 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 8 ml/gal
HTH Pool Shock: 2 ml/gal

Week 21 - Flower

She's looking great and getting near harvest. The pistols are starting to go slight orange and the trichs are maturning.

PH: 6
TDS: 587 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 18 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 15 inches
Humidity 40%
Day Air Temperature: 18 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 0 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 8 ml/gal
HTH Pool Shock: 2 ml/gal

Week 22 - Flower

Really near harvest here and I can't wait! Now i just need to learn how to trim haha

PH: 6
TDS: 554 PPM
Light Schedule 12/12 hrs, 100% Intensity, 18 inches from canopy
Plant Height: 15 inches
Humidity 40%
Day Air Temperature: 18 C
Night Air Temperature: 18 C
Day reservoir Temperature: 20 C
Night reservoir Temperature: 18 C

CALiMAGic: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraMicro: 2.5 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraGrow: 0 ml/gal
General Hydroponics FloraBloom: 8 ml/gal
HTH Pool Shock: 2 ml/gal

Week 23 - Harvest

Finally it's harvest Day!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wow man this is an epic post 😁. This is a wicked grow and the end flower turned out beautifully.

What was the final weight on it?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks man I appreciate it.

Final Weight:
133 grams of bud
100 grams of sugar leaves and small flowers for edibles.