I know we didn’t do shit this last summer

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 


Does this same fate belong to this coming 2021 summer? In order to see where we are going, it is necessary to see where we have been.


Ok so this ordinary picture of one of my simple basic meals I have been enjoying during this Covid world can really make a difference. One of the best meals after a hangover would be eggs, hash browns and coffee. It's wholesome and delicious. Will this simple meal change when food supplies dwindle? Well who knows what will happen when the toilet paper runs start again.

K.I.S.S is a great acronym for Keep It Simple Stupid. I never let the bullshit outside ruin the good things happening on the inside. That's not to say the first night of lockdown and my business was effectively shut I didn't get drunk stupid. I headed on my bicycle to a close friend drunk as can be. We both knew we were in for a wild ride. Would this effect my hash browns and eggs? The truth is it would not. I have been a prepper to a small degree. I bought a while back, and I have some cash reserves. Sure I was worried they would Covid my cash.. but we all know this is a move to get us into some digital dollar.


You can look at all this bullshit as a side swipe to what you believed; or you can believe that this sort of bullshit happens all around the world all the time. History has always been my greatest teacher, and the level of stupidity governments take you into should be no surprise.


I made about 100 different fires. People were outside cutting down their tree's, walking a lot, and generally confused about the whole thing. I simply collected their wood. I used to muse how amazing the FLU got people closer to what really matters. I had neighbors coming around with email lists for community strength; hell someone stuffed a $100 dollar bill into my mail box. That was pretty weird. I never called out for help, and I don't have a run-down hut to live in. I guess they felt their cash would be worth nothing? Kind of embarrassing, so I took that $100 and gave it to a charity. Perhaps they thought it was the end of the world. Unfortunately I truly did believe it was just the 'new normal'.


The truth is that the new normal is not new at all. We have been through pandemics, world wars, and of course politicians making extremely stupid decisions. What else can you expect from overpaid bureaucrats who have never really produced anything in their life time. Ok, that's not fair! They produce more taxes for their pensions.


Yup. It’s been a bitch. If anything has shown me the bullshit reality can be it’s been the last 6 months. If you had ever questioned the bullshit of it all; freedom, human rights, basic rights..it was never REALLY there.


So I went out with my family. We decided to be pretty productive. We grew a garden, I stocked up on more essentials. Many of my friends were crazy productive as well.


I wanted to check what was left of the cool stores in the downtown core. Unfortunately most were wiped out and will never come back. I enjoyed the date while searching for rare Knick knacks. I never ended up purchasing anything but it was good to see the marijuana stores pretty busy. I was super stoked to see that Alcohol sales deemed 'essential' as well.


So what's in store? Probably a good old war to get the angry people's 'working'. A good old meat grinder gets your mind off of the myriad of 'rights' that are lost, and joblessness no longer becomes a worry. When it's broken down and the population culled; the good times should be ahead of us in the cycle of life. Sorry if this sounds like a downer.. I just study history.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

What can you do. It’s weird times. We can freak out about our liberties or just enjoy all the time we can spend with our families.... go for walks, kayaks, bike rides, paint, learn guitar .... I’m enjoying this time with my wife and kids. We are all getting super creative. Growing a lot of our own food, becoming self reliant, earning crypto from our crafts. This is an incredible opportunity to step away from the grind and enjoy Life. That’s what I’m doing.