UTOPIS: More dividend streams coming soon ?!?!

in blurt365 •  4 years ago 

Utopis is a daily dividends hive-engine token I bought a few days ago and as of now I am pretty content with the really high APR, which according to a recent analysis by @brofund gives a ROI of 100 % after a year.

And on top of that, the UTOPIS token has already started to appreciate in value. I got my stake at 2 hive a piece, now it hovers at over 3 hive!



Not bad, not bad at all!

Anyways, @chronocrypto (the guy behind UTOPIS) made this nice tease today:


If he does indeed goes with this plan, the UTOPIs dividends are going to explode overnight! Other than hive, it will start raining LEO, STEM, SIM, WEED, PAL and all kinds of hive engine shit. I know I am definitely getting some more in the coming days.

Maybe you want to do some DYOR and get a few UTOPIS too. The linked posts in this post are a good start if you want to learn more about the project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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