Is Investing in Dtube really worth it? - My DTC Earnings After 45 Days

in blurt365 •  4 years ago 

Morning guys!

It's Saturday morning here in Greece and I am enjoying my morning coffee while listening to some reggae music and curating content on

I love Dtube and since I often shill DTC (DTube Token) here on #LeoFinance I thought it would be cool to show you my earnings on Avalon Blockchain (Dtube's blockchain) and explain to you why I think investing in DTC is worth it!

My Investment on Dtube

I have been using dtube since my realy days on Steem Hive and that goes back to January 2018 when I first joined.
Dtube was in the really early stages of development back then and the platform was very buggy and sh*t but for a weird reason I kept using Dtube every day.

The Dtube Main-Net launch was announced 2 years later and since I had already invested so much time in building an audience on Dtube I definitely wanted to invest some of my own money on DTC so I can have more VP (Dtc generates Voting Power) and support my favourite Dtubers.

I bought around 400 DTC (Around $40) if I remeber correct and I was also in Dtube's airdrop list. Dtube decided to airdrop a ton of DTC to all those who supported Dtube all these years. My name had 6000+ DTC right next to it so I was so happy I never quit Dtube (still am).

My Earnings on Dtube

It's time to discuss if investing in DTC is really worth it now that you know how I got my hands on my DTC.

The screenshot bellow was take half an hour ago and it displays my Dtube earnings the last 45 days since Dtube launched it's Main-Net.


  • Pending Payments : 57 DTC
  • Claimable : 58 DTC
  • Claimed : 143 DTC
  • Total : 259 DTC

So, my total earnings after 45 days of using Dtube are 259 DTC. DTC is trading for around $0.50 today so that's a total of $130 in DTC.

You will probably wonder how the hell you earn DTC on Dtube right? Well, it's simple

The more DTC you hold the faster your Voting Power Generates. The more Voting Power you use on a vote the more DTC you'll give to those you voted. You also earn curation rewards if other people vote the same video you voted. First come, first served!

The most amazing thing on Dtube is that you can earn DTC for your content forever! I can vote a video that was shared 1 year ago and still give DTC to the content creator! Awesome right?

Check this out


We are in the Claimable window right now and as you can see even small votes of 1.4k VP have a ROI of 0.2+ DTC. 0.2 DTC is around $0.10 so not bad at all for just a vote right? I can claim all these DTC or wait until another user votes the same content as I did so my DTC earnings will be more!

I prefer to claim my rewards now in the early stages of the Dtube main-net since people tend to vote for new stuff and the more DTC I own the better! I can support more content creators and cast more votes.

Time for some math

I hold 2300 DTC worth around $1150. I earned more or less $130 in 1 and a half month so if I keep this up in one year I will accumulate more than 950$ (365 days/45 days = 7.66 - 7.66 x $130 earnings = $988).

All these calculations are without including my future author and curation rewards which will add more and more DTC in my holdings.

The price of DTC is also growing at a really fast rate (x5 in 45 days) so who know how much ROI I'll end up with.

The only thing I know is that it is definitely worth investing in DTC. Double your bag in one year? Hell yeah!

100 $XTM Giveaway

I am organizing a giveaway for all you lions out there! It's super-easy to participate so if you have some free time and feel like earning some free crypto then check out my #Leo post bellow :

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