Now it is Hurricane IOTA

in blurt365 •  4 years ago 


Last week we had hurricane ETA bashing us hard and leaving nearly 100 dead and several dozens just missing, a lot of crops lost plus many houses, thousands of houses destroyed quite a big disaster, in fact rescue workers are still rescuing people left stranded because of the flooding.

Now we see that we are in the path of Hurricane IOTA, by the way I think this is the first time IOTA has been used to name a storm just to show how busy this hurricane season has been. Anyway it seems IOTA is a lot similar to ETA it will hit the coasts of Nicaragua and eastern Honduras as a major hurricane and then lose strength as it makes land especially once it hits the mountains. Only thing is it seems this time it will leave Central America via El Salvador, a country which was mostly spared by ETA, I hope IOTA doesn't hit them that hard.

Here in Honduras I think we are in for a rough time, even though they say that this time around the north coast where I live will not be hit so hard the brunt of the storm will be taken by the capital and its nearby areas. I hope it doesn't rain so much in the north, we have rivers that are still flooded and to boot the biggest dam in Honduras which hols a lot of water, in fact it is one of the tallest dams in the world, is at a very dangerous level and they are even discharging water into the rivers, I really don't know if this is a good idea, you know more water into the rivers, but maybe they have a good reason for doing this, perhaps the dam could rupture or something if it goes above a certain level. I would thing it would just overflow but what do I know.

So here where I live what we will have is heavy seas, some stronger than usual winds and of course water, three more days of water. Well that is life you have to take it as it comes. You all stay safe, I will try to do the same here. By the way there is a tropical wave coming behind IOTA so we could be hit a third time.

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