the cruel fashion of animal crush.

in blurt365 •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone, I do not know if many have seen the horrible fashion that defeats centralized social networks such as twitter, facebook and instagram, many people today for having a little fame, they do horrible things and this new fashion shows that the world every time it's more rotten. The challenge known as "Animal Crush" is that a woman begins to crush the animal while it is still alive, and the person gets naked and continues to crush the animal until it dies. They have already arrested a woman in my country for doing this act so unhinged and cruel, In Venezuela- Lara State. The woman was dedicated to killing animals with the same practice and sold these videos on the web as part of the fashion and fetish of killing animals.

I sincerely as a proctector of animals and pets, I think that this is something unpleasant and unhuman as people do these atrosities to small pets or animals that they only want to be cared for and protected, Say NO, to Animal Crush.


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