Totally happy and satisfied with my new Lectric XP e-bike!

in blurt365 •  3 years ago 

My Lectric XP electric bike was finally delivered on Thursday and wow I am so happy!

Of course I'm in a Titans jacket!

I am honestly so grateful I can't even put it into words. Life has been kind of tough the past year or so, and this e-bike really alleviates a lot of stress on my life.

The amount of money I was giving to Uber has been truly extraordinary. This bike will easily and quickly pay for itself.

All of that money I was going into Uber, I can now pocket. I plan on saving cash and investing here.

My mind truly races as I think about how much this will help my life.

My son loves it and this bike will really benefit him too. I took him on a ride the other day and he really loved it a lot! He was smiling so much. I love him so much.

We took a ride to the park!!

This bike is wonderful, man. It hums awesomely as it goes. The power feels amazing. The wind through my hair feels great. The exercise feels great. Knowing that I don't have to beat up my body on a traditional bike riding for miles, (been there, done that) and knowing that I don't have to burn a hole in my pocket by giving my money to Uber, I just feel so grateful. I need to make the most of this opportunity. I thank my sister and family. I seriously thank God too.

Hacking Life, LOL

Now, don't get me wrong I would love to have a car one day. But at the same time I am in zero rush. This bike allows me to travel while not needing to pay for gas or insurance etc. I do need to use electric to charge the battery, and I do plan on doing my best to maintain the bike, so there are some costs to having my e-bike but I really believe that this bike is a wonderful compromise.

Between earning and growing on Hive, and using this e-bike, and grinding at work, I feel like I am maybe hacking life LOL.

I just need to grind and make wise choices.

More positive news for me

I really must be dreaming, because I have some more good news on top of this bike.

I got a small raise at work roughly two weeks ago, and now my job is talking to me about another raise and 40 hours a week consistently. It's basically a promotion as they gave me a set of friggin' keys to the store!

I am going to gladly accept this raise and hours and work on building more and more here and being a good role model for my son and making sure he absolutely benefits.

I need to keep grinding on here too. Blogging and investing and curating. EVERYTHING.


  • New e-bike
  • Raise at work
  • More hours at work
  • Continuing my grind and hustle here

I need to make the most of this situation, and improve it.

The other day I was talking to someone about owning a trailer and at the time I didn't have my second raise, my increase in hours, and my bike wasn't here.

I still thought it was doable then.

My goal to own a home is becoming better now too.

Old me would have likely cowardly faltered under the pressure as pathetic as that sounds. I would have overthought EVERYTHING.

I'm done overthinking. It's exhausting and futile.

I am in a better place mentally to be overthinking anymore. I have my son to worry about.

I want to live a good life for him and myself. I want to show him what joy this life can bring.

I'm just gonna make the best decisions and be focused and kind. Just live and stay present in the moment.

Thank you God for this opportunity.

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