It happened again.
My BLURT balance dropped below 10.
Oh No!
One needs free BLURT to upvote posts.
As I understand each vote consumes 2% of one's voting power. Voting power regenerates at 20% a day. This means I get 10 upvotes a day. This comes to 70 upvotes a week.
The block report is confusing. The report shows that I am charged 0.1 transaction fee each time I upvote. It also shows that I am charged a 0.1 transaction fee each time I receive a reward.
The block report shows two fees for each vote!
I am not complaining about the fees. There really should be just one fee per action.
The second transaction shows a blank transaction number. So, I appear to be charged only one fee per vote. The fee seems to average about 0.1 BLURT per vote.
Assuming that my understanding of the report is incorrect. I need about 7 BLURT a week to drop my 70 upvotes.
So, I just launched a power down of 7 BLURT a Week. It cost 0.075 BLURT. So, I should start getting an amount sufficient to curate. I have three BLURT for posts and other activities.
If the power down is too small; I will simply miss a few curations.
Why Not Just Write Posts?
I am really burned out on posts. I usually spend an hour or so writing the post.
Okay, I usually write three posts for each post I end up publishing.
Even when I do write posts, I noticed that the rewards received is variable. Some times I receive way too much for my curation needs. Some times I receive too little.
Since both curation rewards and curation fees are relatively stable, I think it is best to draw the funds for curation from the curation rewards. That means a seven BLURT a week power down.
My Rewards
My Curation Report shows that I have 8272 BP am making about 10 BP a week in rewards.
Assuming I pay 7 BLURT a week to curate, I should be making 3 BLURT POWER a week.
Powering Up Author Rewards.
I would love to see my account grow beyond 10K BLURT. So, I will power up 100% of my author rewards.
My Long Term Goal
I hope that some day I will be in a position to earn an income from my BLURT.
I want to continue powering up my author rewards. I will start powering down an spending my curation rewards. I am doing this on other platforms.
For example, [I currently have 712 STEEM POWER. I am earning 1.4 SP a week in STEEM rewards. So, I am powering down 1 STEEM a week.
I have 6155 HIVE and am powering down 10 HIVE a week.
I have a confusing mix of things in Hive-Engine. I plan on selling off half of my HE earnings. I am making about $4 a week in earnings and am thinking of withdrawing $2 a week.
Why not Just Buy More BLURT?
I really want to have 10K plus BLURT POWER. Everything I look at my wallet I ask: Why not just buy some more BLURT?
Then I remember.
I did.
I bought about 4000 SWAP.BLURT on Hive-Engine and the ill fated Steem-Engine. The money disappeared when I sent it to the BLURT SWAP Engine.
Having lost so much BLURT with the swaps, I figure that it is best to just leave it alone and let the account grow naturally.
The Image
I generated an image on Night Cafe of a person pulling funds from an ATM to discuss the need to power down.
1 votes
2 votes
I set my post rewards to 25/75 split. And keep 20 at least in wallet for transactions.
Post at least one good authentic post daily or every other day. Comment often.
I reward all my commentators and primeradue follows my voting trial so everyone usually gets about 20 blurt per every vote I get thanks to that.