Nov. 18,2021 - Blurt deposit is back to normal operations.

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Good morning (or good evening).
The BLURT deposit is back to normal operations. Thank you for your patience.
We have redundant RPCs, but the blockchain is just too busy to handle all transactions. We will continue to monitor this issue.


As of writing this post. I’ve noticed a delay of withdrawal (HE to BLURT). As of this time, all withdrawal is processed and completed. Though if you withdraw and experience a delay, please post it here so we can monitor your transaction.

We BLURT on.

Thank you,
@Yehey [ Witness ]

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Which chain is too busy?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The other side of blockchain. Some of HIVE nodes are running out of disk space. One of them is mine. I upgraded my server to help address this issue.

That's a good news , recently it was taking hours to recieve blurt to our account but now it's almost instant.
thank you for sharing the good news.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I made a Blurt withdrawal from Hive-Engine a few days ago. Even though the funds haven't arrived in my wallet on Blurt, I'm still calm.

Moreover, the @yehey I know is a responsible and fast-paced dev. He is very familiar and easy to contact via Discord. So, no more doubts.

Thank you...

Thanks for the update

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

화면 캡처 2021-11-18 224225.jpg

화면 캡처 2021-11-17 194957.jpg

화면 캡처 2021-11-18 224207.jpg

화면 캡처 2021-11-19 022545.jpg

I sent 10,000 each twice.
One time is missing.
Please check the transaction code.
10,000 blurt hasn't arrived yet.
I also posted on Discord.
Please check when you have time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your two transactions are completed.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very Very thank you~!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I've tested the deposit, received it within 1 minute or less. HIVE-engine blockchain seems to be running smoothly. Hope to keep it that way.

This is really good news because it took us a long time to add balance to our account when we made deposit in the past which was a concern but if it is normal now then I think it will be very useful.

Thank you very much for helping us every day with this kind of work. If you do not help us, we will not be able to survive properly. About 5 to 6 hours after contacting people the balance is added to our account then we get rid of worries.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello my dear, thank you very much for bringing me this beautiful update. I am very glad to get the update.We were afraid the money would not be wasted, so we doubted whether it would be transferred to my account at all, so this update was much needed. Thank you again for the update.

When you are stranger, you should ask people what do you want, they will show you right path to go your destination. Since when I have joined this beautiful community, I am trying learning from witnesses. That's why, I have been searching for posts. And you are one them. Thank you very much for bringing this important information.