There is no such thing as a Country!

in blurt •  2 years ago 

What exactly makes a country?

I was told firstly that a country belongs to its people that inhabit it and are natural born into that country. That the borders surrounding said country were defined by the "government" of the people within those borders (a backwards ad baculum?).

I ended up discovering that these are false statements.

Black laws dictionary website defines it as such.

The portion of the earth’s surface occupied by an independent nation or people; or the inhabitants of such territory. In its primary meaning “country” signifies “place;” and. in a larger sense, the territory or dominions occupied by a community ; or even waste and unpeopled sections or regions of the earth. But its metaphorical meaning is no less definite and well understood; and in common parlance, in historical and geographical writings, in diplomacy, legislation, treaties, and international codes, the word is employed to denote the population, the nation, the state, or the government, having possession and dominion over a territory.

Mayhaps it would be "well understood" if they could take their fake authority glasses off and same for the reader.

As you can see from top to bottom of the above quotation,

"a country is and nothing more than a political concept" -Larken Rose, author of The Iron Web and The Most Dangerous Superstition

based on the belief that people or their cults god "government" has the right to rule over a geographic location. They then paint their lines on a map and declare it theirs.

Gangsters do this too when declaring a street theirs and the people have no problem in disputing the legitimacy of these claims except when it comes to "government". They just get a switch in their heads and ignore the same act and enhance it with strange rituals, magic parchments of paper and signatures and war and bloodshed to make it appear as if its all ok to just put up a borders of armed men and woman.

These borders are nothing more and nothing less than just plain simple imaginary lines backed up with a force of armed individuals representing their own gang. In this case that gang is called "government" worldwide and is seen as the most glorious thing to have. However, it's viewed by the masses as much more than that. They really believe that this gang is legitimate. And they spit out their actions as "legal" as if to say that it is "good" ("legal" = moraly sound, justified, good), which is not true at all.

The followers of this cult have been so brainwashed that they literally just borrow the Legal-speak terms and deam it theirs and say many idiotic things without a clue as to what they are saying or claiming. Same as when the egotistical gets spiritual and robs scriptures to best fit their own narratives, they take the terms of their own "god/gov"s language and use it for their own. The pay-try-idiots would actually be proud of "their country". Poor lads.

pg.15 & 16 of "The Most Dangerous Superstition

For those that cannot read it I'll quote it hereto in text:

"Countries" and "Nations": The concept around "law" and "crime" are obvious offshoots of the concept "government" and "authority", but many other words in the English language are either changed by the belief in "authority" or exist entirely because of that belief. A "country" or "nation", for example, is entirely a political concept. The line around a "country" is, by definition, the line the defining the area in which one particular "authority" claims the right to rule, which distinguishes that locationfrom the areas over which other "authorities" claim the right to rule.

Geographical locations are, of course, very real, but the term "country" only to a place. It always refers to a political "jurisdiction" (another term stemming from the belief in authority). When people speak of loving their country, they are rarely capable of defining what that is, but ultimately, the only thing the word "country" could mean is not the place, the people or any abstract principle or concept, but merely the turf a certain gang claims the right to rule. In light of that fact, the concept of loving ones country, is a further strange idea; It expresses little more than a psychological attachment, to the other subjects who are controlled by the same ruling class. Which is not at all what most people envision when they feel national loyalty and patriotism. People may feel love for a certain culture or a certain location and the people who live there, or to some philosophical idea, and mistake that for love of country, but ultimately, a "country" is simply the area that a particular "government" claims the right to rule. That is what defines the borders and it is those borders which defines a country.

Feeling stupid waving those flags yet?

Those flags are nothing more than a symbol for these gangs and the pay-try-idiot and the loyal statist will wave these flags to show how proud they are to be idiots.

Gangs across the globe mark their walls with spray paint to mark the borders of their turfs and so does "government" with their insignias and flags on their buildings and with their fancy gated enforcement agencies telling people who can and cannot cross.

There are no real borders and they have no right to push us around from border to border or to claim that we belong to them and we need to ask permission from these saints to cross imaginary lines on a planet that is immensely miniscule in this infinite universe. No one is free. Crossing borders is akin to crossing one slave plantation to the next.


The books by Larken Rose are available for free in digital pdf format however please consider supporting Mr. Rose by buying the book directly from his website
Or download from MEGA HERE
If you have any issues please contact me on Telegram same username. I only ask you do not spam me with messages or I will block you temporarily without warning.

Cheers and thank you for visiting.

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