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in blurt •  2 years ago 

Plagiarism is not tolerated on this platform.

I know you translated that text above from an indonesian website.

This marks your first warning.

For transparency I lay here the evidence:

I copied the text and translated it into indonesian language and it gave me this

Salah satu jenis sayuran yang sangat mudah ditemukan adalah kangkung. Kale adalah sayuran khas Indonesia yang cukup populer. Anda bisa mengolahnya menjadi kangkung yang lezat. Resep dan cara memasak cah kale sangat mudah karena bahannya sederhana. Anda juga bisa berkreasi dengan menambahkan udang atau berbagai seafood lainnya sesuai selera. Selain rasanya enak, cah kangkung cukup murah dan mudah dibuat. Semoga sukses!!

Then I ran it through various plagiarism checkers and found the same result except for on smallseotool, it came up 100% plagiarism free, however on the other two I used this popped up.


The image above is a clickable image and will redirect you to the website to this screenshot.


This post will be put on report that you, @hayatiid, have been given a warning. Any further acts of abuse in form of plagiarism will initiate a second warning, a third time will be a notice to you that your account has been put on the COAL list after review by the Blurt Warden team.

To the general public:
If you would like to appeal the coal list you may do so either here on the chain or on discord.

We are in need of more volunteering Blurt Wardens checking for abuse on the chain. Join the Discord for more info.



@haystiid I want to see everyone succeed. We all have a beautiful thing here going on and we all need to protect it from thieving acts.

I do not want to believe you are a thief but starting out like this will not get you fsr at all here in this young platform.

Be original and authentic. If you are to borrow a phrase from some website or from someone else that didnt come from you, then you must quote it and cite where you got it from.

And even still that is enough. You must produce atleast more content from your own words for it to not be considered plagiarism.

However up here we have you posting a picture, probably yours, but the text is completly a copy and paste, translated into english. And since you are recieving $ from that via upvotes from the community, it is engaging in theft of content with the intention to recieve capital gains from it. And that is not tolerated here.

Please either add more authentic content to your posts to avoid me having to come back here again.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the warning. In the future I will correct all the mistakes that I have made.