QOTD: Are my friends and family starting to see crypto is better than fiat currency?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

You will be surprised how many people don not know a thing about crypto if you just ask them if they ever heard of it.

Every time I see my friends and Associates I have a monent of mentioning blurt if even for just 5 minutes, 3 or even 1 minute. I do it to trigger a question towards opening a way in for my fishing line into the subject.

I don't want to force pull them in. Not many people are interested in changing their things in their lives suddenly. They may take it as a big hassle to learn new habits. Or so that is what they believe it to be but for the majority, it is not anything much new or different that has to go on to start getting better rewards in life passively and actively. They will come to see:

  1. More Time

  2. More Time

  3. More Time

Now let me get down to explaining what each point is. First point. #1. More Time::

People work their jobs and get paid mostly in digital currency already even if it is fiat. Many people here in the western world get paid straight to their debit cards and other banks if they have it. Or they may recieve a check and have to go to a bank or some check changing service. All of this just takes more time.

With More Time you will be able to do the things you love to do which is to sit on your behind and scroll with your finger for hours on end. And not have to go on long travels to the bank.

With More Time you will get more time.

The product to sell here people is:

More Time

This product is going to launch blurt to the moon. Find what your "clients" are most worried about joining blurt and give them
the "fast solution."

My experience with talking to many of these folks is that they feel "la hueva" when money comes up in the conversation, especially if they feel like your trying to sell them something.

So how do we sell them "More Time" without them knowing about it?

We don't. They will come to buy it.

With given them very subtle soft ball questions, one a day even.

Ask them what is crypto for the ones who never knew about it. youll know when you get the response (but then it would be too late. You lost more time. Research Of Clients Klok or ROCK for short).

Remember, your already here. you know the exit strategy is faster with blurt than going to the bank, going to work and cashing out your earnings, etc.. (unless your really successful on blogging, dont quit your day job for blurt).

Remember how logic entered into your own cranium and realized "Duh, of course its better on blurt". And not just for the freedome of speech, but for the great financial opportunity and the gains of respect all have for being amonst the pioneers who helped launch this blockchain forward to mass adoption.

So remember to get the ROCKs organized before we start throwing them at our clients. Once they are in, Show them in carefully with mild cariño they may feel bruised after the ROCKs so don't rush it.

It is important that we remain composed and not get too over excited, it would be like trying to go into the backyard without scaring the white dove away before it gets its wings clipped and thrown into a cage.

Oh no wait, that's on Hive.

Yea we do that but only the bad birds. we wont clip their wings unless you steal from the pool ie, spam, plagiarism, scams, etc. So, show them scissors if they want to see it but don't try tonscare them with it. They have yet to settle their nest down into this new ecosystem.

As I have personally experienced each our chain, by being an outside observer. I had the accounts are still there hodling a few of each chains tokens. In Blurt currency, there is only so much that will be in circulation. Every day more and more blurt is being burned with every thousands and thousands of transactions that are happening daily. This is a key difference from Steemit and Hive. They do not burn their token for the transactions in this fashion. They have an engine, and we have a wood stove (for now) but we got bacon sizzling and they don't. ("They" are the bacon.) Get the pigs and bring them here to sizzle. and the red bellied fish of hive and steemit can finally have something eat.


Get Em To Blurt

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