Lets talk about the avatars on blurt and this so called metaverse

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

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alot of things go through my mind kn this subject but lets keep this brief and shkrt with our concerns.

We know for a fact that facebook has always sold out their user biological digital data to the "government" big tech and other criminal organizations for the sake of profit.

We know that facebook has greatly and numerous times apologized for doing what they do yet do nothing different and continue to betray their users.

Facebook is not the only ones.
Twitter, reddit, myspace, google, duckduckgo, walmart, and maybe hundreds if not thousands more of these tyles of companies give away your data by mining your data and comlexting it in bulk and selling it.
The military also buys these datas for their ai projects to use against the populace. Remember Jade Helm 15?

If you do, and if you looked into it deeply eniugh, you would have discovered that the "jade" was the name of the A.I. that was going to be used to give out orders to other officers or troops on ground on what the most probable outcome would be for each individual.

They now have your biological behaviors with all the cameras watching from every direction. Especially in cities in 1st Babylonian world countries such as the usa, britian, london, russia, china, japan etc.

Now that they have caused this plandemic, they now have facial recognition optimized to recognize who you are because with a mask on. That was also an objective that they so took advantage of the situation to put into study and practice.

I can go a very long way to explain the ground of all this but my audience for this post are not for those that have no clue what I am talking about. I am aiming for those that ALREADY KNOW.

We need to talk about this avatar thing on this platform hovering over our profiles asking for our facial recognition by a third party with no open source code. We can't have any way of knowing if that data is being saved on private centralized servers or not (my money is that is) and whether or notnit will be used against us all as a whole.

I find it as a security risk and a bait to catch ignorant users intongiving up a little bit of their privacy liberties.

Voice your concerns below.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

you mean, an actual photo of my actual self!?
and ppl fall for this shit - like fakebook want your really real details.
I have an online persona for that!
just like actors - remain in character - and don't cross pollute with your real self.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No worries…. Here on Blurt You can use a photo of George Clooney for your avatar, no worries.

I’m Bonafide !


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I used a sureal image of homor Simpson and it worked. I laughed at that it accepted it even though it didnt look like the picture I uploaded.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I thought about it too , same for hivefest ..coudnlt upload a phot , forced to take a selfie , which i didnt do .
But for this avatar , you can upload the photo of your foot , doesnt matter .
META is everywhere , you use HE OR Tribaldex ? KYC is there hiding , waiting for the perfect time to catch us all .
I couldnt escape KYC for Huobi or coinbase ...binance is the same , crypto.com
Let just say it like it is WE ARE FUCKED .
And all was calculated that way since the very 1st satoshi .

At least i dont have the Jab , they can shoot me with a bullet they wont shoot me with their shit vax

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

At least i dont have the Jab , they can shoot me with a bullet they wont shoot me with their shit vax

Glad that you are aware of the vax fraud.

as for the avatar skit, I never bought innto it. I find it a waste of time to invest my energy in. I don't want to the real workd to escape me by being plugged into a screen over my eyes. As of artificial light didnt already damage our eyesight, here it is again being shoved into our faces by big tech as if it were all the rage.
Our lives at an end is irrelevant imo. It's how we die based in between the start and end that matters.