in blurt •  2 years ago 


You guys think crypto, decentralized monetary system will be the messiah that rids us of completely from poverty?

Your living in a fantasy world if you do.

The cells in our body freely give what they produce for the better of the greater "society".

And thus as such, for every man there is a society.
And each society, in nature, also do the same. Naturally, we are already doing the necessary to function "as a society".


Because we are so detached from nature, we don't do that. We instead do the opposite.

When our cells begin to be "greedy" they turn into tumors and develope cancer as a result. I don't know about you, but when I see a city, I see just that. A tumor on the face of the earth. When I see us using the crapitalism, I see a route towards being cancerous.


The above two pictures we have what we have now and what we could have again.

Yes, I said AGAIN.

As @antisocialist tries to keep it simple, all we need to do as a whole, is to just refuse this monetary system. Easier said than done indeed.

Then what?

How will we buy what we need?

That is just what is wrong.

The need to "BUY is an illusion we don't need to buy, but we do need each other to keep beinng productive. (Excluding those who obviously can not, the ethical human being thing to do, is to help those people period)

We buy because that is what has been inposed upon us by force through a biased consensus constructed by very evil and intelligent "animals" (non-human), way before you and I were born. And has been entertained through the generations as some world wide CULT-ure.

People do not need money to productive. People work for money because that is what has been drilled into their heads as a necessary key to gain access to what they need.

Being self sufficient is a totally respectable system that actually works, untill some group of left brain mobs elect their thugs to take it away from you. Then they come and mock you and say "see, told you that wouldn't work. Just get a job you bum."

They are just afraid. Simple. No need to bog down in details as to what type of fear. Fear is their drive. This world needs those fear mongering folk to turn brave and step up their game and plant some tomatoes rather then forcing the rest to give them blind compliancy for a small bite, from a

Us accepting a very common system that sinply does not work in the long run as a means for survival, except for those at the top, is definitely suicidal long term. Why not those at the top? Because they benifit the most from this. Come on stop falling asleep. Pay attention.

We need to abondon everything, as a majority, the idea that we need currency or money to get what we need. We do not need it. We need everyone as a majority (which consists of, in todays world, the working class),to keep doing what they do and to stop expecting payment.

Granted the transition will be a bit wierd as people grow accustomed to natural way of things should be.

The trees supplies and demands from the rest just as much as our bodies supply and demand from the trees to keep having breathable air. There is nothing in between stopping that. There isn't some supernatural force saying, the air your breathing needs to be bought before you inhale.

Its just us that does that.

Lions demand food so they hunt. Humans demand food so we do agriculture. Then we each reap what we sow, take what we need and distribute the rest freely. We survived another day. Maybe. But it is much better that way, then by being forced to do what was already needed to do. That is just extra and unnecessary.

There are better ways.

Hope you have the time to understand "this shit got go!"

If you have already seen this video before, please share with us what you jave learned or what it is that you are doing differently, is it working? How are them tomatoes growing?

Cheers everyone.

I'm all ears for ideas.

Source of images above by @antisocialist on Hive:


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Then we each reap what we sow, take what we need and distribute the rest freely.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs (or need)" i
Karl Marx published in 1875.

See the difference?
No?..That's because their isn't one.

Capitalism is the most natural form of free exchange and prosperity there is.

There can be no free market capitalism with central banking - it's impossible.
Sound money is the most efficient form of energy transfer there is.

To not understand capitalism, it to not understand the human condition.

To not understand the human condition, and then try to apply systems antithetical to the human condition - never works....but great for tyranny oppression, and genocide.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Im more referring to the use of fiat, or any other currency. I used the term "money" because of the common use of the word.


I grew up with a farm boy mentality, "reap what you sow", literally we all do this already, like the law of attraction. We are always reaping and we are always sowing.

However I do not think Marx got that part down especially the "distribute the rest freely" part. His goals was keep things centralized, and believed in power over others. That is not what I am trying to impose here.

"Capitalism is the most natural form of free exchange and prosperity there is."

What would you call Jaque RBE? Its still free market but without the need of using stupid fiat or crypto. Crypto can be used to have robots, and AI reward each other. We don't need it when we have such an abundance of goods and the tech to distribute it world wide. The solution to poverty is a technical issue not a poli|tick|all one as Jaque explains in detail in many of his lectures.

"There is only a police officer where people need access to something" - J.F.

Unfortunately we have a statist situation that believe people need to enslaved to using currency.

I appreciate you coming in, only have time to say this, I got an oxxo to wire up.

Cheers for now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't like the word capitalism , as it's based on something , witch is kept hidden by that word , that Karl Marx invented b.t.w. . It is based on skill's in individual humans , skill's to produce , skill's to build , skill's to manage and skill's to trade .
All things that just should not be taxed by a corporation and banksters controlled government .
If we just all stop paying tax , combine our separate skills and stick our heads together ,. we all will have a great life , living in plenty .

The suggestion you made might work for a while , but will end in wally-E like scenery . That is , when i take my most positive view on it ,.. as it might as well end very ugly . Witch it already probably will , so why bother ,.. just enjoy the fireworks . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

but will end in wally-E like scenery

And people will become fat and lazy and useless.

I don't believe that will happen at all. Were naturally prone to activity and staying fit. Remember your youth. How much sweating did you do?

Granted every one will have their own difficulties in searching for improvements. No world or system is perfect. I believe however that something similar to what like an RBE would bring is much better than what we have now.

As for being lazy, i distinctly remember the race of fat hoomans gained intriguing will to do more towards the end.

I just dont see everyone just end up quiting being fit. Its unhealthy. And people naturally want to do good and help others. Everything being free will help those that couldn't help but wanted to, but couldn't because they couldn't afford schooling for whatever incentive they had to be fulfilled.

Schools would be voluntary, open, transparent and free. Each school would compete still to see what was better at what and depending where you wanted to go you would go live close by. Housing would be free. Food. Water. Energy. Etc. Everything.