"I'm a law-abiding blurtian" | Finger length matters?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

I'm a law abiding citizen = I'm a prideful slave and I blindly follow the rules of my enslavers.

Confused? Disagree? Let the world see in the comments why you think that is not, otherwise. ..


Welcome. No more introductories.

Alternative Frontend they don't want you to know about:


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So you think you know your rights, but do you know HOW to get those rights recognized on the record?



BTC leaking, get your cups out

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Now let's go get them!


I stopped recieving blurtbooster votes. Wonder if that has anything to do with pointing out the fact that it got its BP through stolen BLURT.

Who knows.

Meanwhile, there's a parasite that is looking forward to the blurtians to turn the other cheek through UV by blurtbooster sp they can keep paying themselves. Of we solve problems like this, maybe we could see an increase in vote weight in smaller accounts and perhaps a price increase. But instead, the water is getting shallower and the good gullible people all voting for the menaces ss witnesses for the chain isn't helping either. Thanks for throwing us overboard capitan.

But we still remember the truth. And where to find it. Nothing gets buried on the chain.

Remember this:


Odd... I'm sensing something strange. How is it that the @regent account exist yet have no block history shown in any of the block explorers? I distinctly remember it having some good amount of history. How do make 2 years of transactions dissappear? Where's the data? Doesn't even show the registration of its own existence. Yet there it is lol.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, i would say someone has been at work to hide it so they can say, its a narrative, when someone wants to point out how a certain account was run while it was active.

I swear I took screenshots somewhere...

MIGHT BE, on my broken pc because I checked my entire phone galllery, or might be on my comments somewhere... alot of sifting through would have to take place. Time is a luxury I have very little of, so if anyone can help out with this issue it would be great to put this to rest once and for all.

Meantime, over on Solcial.io:

I have been posting my own blog over there and have hit trending each time. Using ONLY blurtlatam.intinte.org as the front end. I leave nothing but a link and the website shows a preview of my post.

Not every platform is perfect. Hell I even havr my doubts about solcial when signing up when I saw I had to choose a gender identity. Was there a male or female option? No. But there was a cis male and cis female option and no "rather not specify" option, would be even better than calling myself "CIS".

I have been trying my hardest to avoid those topics because it's obviously just a psyops propaganda for division and conquering. I don't want to give it any attention but western CULTure is really ridiculous and getting out of hand.

Male and female is all there is apart from the genetic mutation of xxy chromosome in rare cases. They can't even reproduce. And neither can male and female who have had their genitalia surgically mutilated to appear as something else. No, you trans"women", you're not a women. Your a male still. A dickless one at that.

But if you really want to win at sports without any real training, I guess self identifying as a woman and competing in woman sports and beating the best of them with hardly any effort as a fake woman is the way to go, since, you know, you failed at everything else. Lol

I can't even fully enjoy looking at real women anymore like I used to because now I don't even know if which are real which are pretending to be real. These surgeries they take is getting them to appear as real woman.

Guys, let me share this fact that most tranny leave out, your index finger length is lower than your ring finger. Woman, your i dex finger is at the same length if not longer than your ring finger. Am I wrong? There is a small percentage due to some genetic mutation where women will show to have the same length as males but it is very rare. Michelle Obama has this. Or does he?


Started a new book. Not even 10 pages in and I am already hooked.


Available for purchase on Amazon but I downloaded pdf version from public domain. Sure you wouldn't have trouble using it. You know how to websearch right?

The first few pages is going over the beginning of the Manhattan project and the creation of nuclear bombs and it's testing and its failures and accomplishments.

After that I will be reading this:





I got 99 vote power time to find my top 5-8 blurt posts of the day. After which everyone gets a 25% UV no hard feelings right? Good cuz idc either way.

Speaking of which, anyone noticing you need more and more BP just have the same voting strength?

When I had 10k My 100% vote was just over the threshold of 1 blurt. Now that I am 20kBP it is..... just over the threshold of equaling 1Blurt. Wow. Work double for less. Wonder what might be causing this?

Excessive high votes from whales. Excessive high bot votes. At the cost of the the little guys. New users, without atleast 5k BLURT investment would have a longer time to barely scrap by. Voting from a small account with low BP is pointless since they get less back than was it costs in fees. Even I can't give 10% votes because of the tax, much less someone with 1kBP. But oh let me guess, lets solve that by increasing whale BP and voting harder lol. Yea. Sure.

It's your stake. Do as you please. Just saying the water is getting more shallow in this blurt pool and the crabs at the bottom are starting to stink of decay.

I remember in steemit we did a whale a experiment where the whales stopped voting for a couple months. Or three months. My memory is fading.

What resulted was an increase in voting rewards that trickled down. Self voting became less, and there was an increase in price of the steemit coin. That all stopped when it was "back to business as usual".

It was working so well... but when your that big, and really really want more, you bring it down first at everyones expense and buy low. Like Rockefeller did when he made media panik over the fall of prices of metals. Sold a bunch of copper that affected the market, it crashed a bit and he swept in and took a bigger chunk. After long term holding, he made a killing.

Is that what is happening here on Blurt? Or is "duh lidar" really a hero?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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I am not a citizen. I am sovereign!!! ("Sovereign citizen" is an oxymoron - either You are sovereign with no One above You, or You are a citizen with a state above You.)

I am not a slave, either! I corrected My status from debtor to creditor.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

I stopped recieving blurtbooster votes. Wonder if that has anything to do with pointing out the fact that it got its BP through stolen BLURT.

Hey buddy! 🙏 Love ur stuff and ur style! I just checked the Blurtbooster... Everything is fine with you. Nobody has changed anything there since @world-travel-pro has added you:


I presume it has something to do with you declining payout on this post..?

Have urself a lovely day and Blurt on! 🌞🍀

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Tossing aside the fact layed above, it still serves as a means to grab a portion they can't have. Eventually they top hotdogs here will have to power down and join the small fish and I do hope this changes the power structure in yhe chain. As for the blurt community, we need to find or create another UI provider. The original provider adnitted they didn't want to be it when they started blurt. After two years, blurt had nothkng to show for it. And the originals are still here. We now are entering year 4 since the HF, and have still nothjng to show for it and are tgus at the mercy of the foundation.

Edit: i left out to answer your question

I presume it has something to do with you declining payout on this post..?

No clue but they are back and have been voted on all my posts. Thanks for that. It don't seem that they are even remotely giving a counter-argument for their stance. I wasn't for the Bbooster idea, but rather for them to return what they took in a nefarious way. Instead b.booster was born.

I'll stake up what they give out no problem if that means less for them long term. I'll have no problem allocating those votes where I see more fit to be. Surely not without error. I'm sure I'll make some along the way.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Nobody has ever tried to promote blurt in a serious way but me to my understanding with my hive cabal series and then redirection to Blurt, which garnered massive attention across all three platforms. I pulled 10's of thousand of dollars and multiple investors to blurt, then the momentum stalled. Sorry I can't work full time for a loss 15k.

Just make note of the system. This is not a traditional business, this is a split from a decentralized blockchain. Anyone, with the will and know how can take the bull by the horns and change things here for everyone. I'm just busy with my own highly successful project that have zero chance of getting derailed by creepers behind a keyboard that I have no clue about in advance. That's the problem with all these blockchains, any moron or worse can join the "team" and things are out of your control, and off in a direction of failure. Anyway, love your content. Keep up the great work.

Also, pointing fingers, playing victim, and complaining why others have not lifted us up instead taking maters in your own hands....is a very libtard stance in my humble opinion; especially since founders taking a controlling stake is the norm across most of the top 100 cryptos at the moment.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Imo, Blurt is still better than hive. I find unappealing now and almost a waste of time to even publish there. I still read a handful from a handful there from time to time.

I haven't forgotten your dedication to blurt either and what you have done to do that.

This platform still has many aspects to improve on and if they do, I do think that will increase the chances of serious growth, probably sooner than later.

I'm not a tech savvy individual with coding skills either nor have the initiative to do that, I have other incentives like spreading existing alternative ideas that on small scale, has proven to work for the future that could greatly benefit mankind without the need for rule by force.

Playing victim? Talking to me? Lol.

I don't know where I am playing victim, only stating facts and what I think could be done.

Personally, as I have said it before, the coin needs more distribution, more investors, more committed individuals with the skillset to create dapps for blurt. A video game on blurt would attract many I'm sure. Another UI provider and better and more powerful frontends like peakd. An easier to use interface for setting up vote trails by anyone for anyone they choose (better than delegations imo) and much more that I can't think of at this moment.

That controlling stake will eventually dwindle. And will spread out or concentrate in other hands. Curious to see how that will turn out.

I'm just busy with my own highly successful project that have zero chance of getting derailed by creepers behind a keyboard that I have no clue about in advance.

More power to you. Creepers will creep and they will try. Prepare for the worst case scenario either way. And have fun doing it.

Cheers brother.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Thanks for the very well received message. I agree on all fronts.... but instead of following in the footsteps of the other platforms and shoot for games and frivolous entertainment; I believe ALL the top trending posts should ALL be alternative media type content. In today's world censorship-proof decentralized communication = $$$$. Blurt has the potential to go to the moon, if managed and marketed correctly.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How is what goes into trending calculated exactly? Does it vary on the different frontends?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Not sure exactly. Maybe @saboin can answer this for you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I personally don't see the frontend as that important..

We have 3 frontends:
http://beblurt.com (nice optics AND communities!) and

Which I think is quite a good score if you ask me...

IMO all we need is one big crypto exchange listing us to get the price going!

Sadly, I have no connections in the crypto space whatsoever...

Just ONE listing on Binance, Gate.io, Coinbase Exchange, eToro or crypto.com would be our absolute breakthrough...

In February 2024, I will attend 'CATALYST' in Lisbon.

Maybe I can get a hold of somebody from a big exchange..? Who knows? ‍

Cheers and have a lovely day! 🙏🌞

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've definitely noticed my upvotes give out much less Blurt than it used to when I had much less Blurt power. It's rather depressing to see this happening.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org