Cult Detox #3: Paying For Crime.

in blurt •  2 years ago 


I often heard that criminals must pay. It was said as justice was needed.

"You must pay for your crime." ..

Pay. What do the worst criminals pay when they are protected by the very same people that they injure?

Say... what is a crime?

Without looking into the "law" books, soley using your experience, ethic and moral compass, what do you think you know what a crime is? you can do it in 20 words or less or be descriptive. Up to you.

Serious question. I'll await your reply in the comments.


Feel free to speak about whatever you like in the comments.


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Now that you written your answer (somewhere), let's look into the dark side for what con|st|i|tutes as a crime under "LAW" (statutes). What constitutes as a crime by the "government"?


I'll tell you instead. Don't worry about what it says yp there. Here is the inside scoop:

A crime is simply an action or failure to take action that goes against the commands of "government".

It wouldn't matter if there was or not an injured party. The point is, your a criminal if you disobey their orders. Your a criminal, if you obey them too.

You see, everyone is a criminal when it comes to government. And criminals, who are also slaves, have no rights. So anything you argue has no merit to them.

Your guilty until you can prove your innocent.

Don't argue with me about it. I ain't the one who is presuming you to be guilty. They are. The cops. The judges. The politicians. The proud citizens. Statists.

Yes it's true unfortunately. Your neighbors want you to be robbed and sent to jail for the thifs they want. Unfortunately, all their begging for change puts them in the same sinking boat as the ones they want robbed. They votw for it and pay taxes for it but are unable to see they are really just sholting themselves and their neighbors in the foot, pretend their not and blame you for pointing it out.

A law is simply a man written command or even orally given, backed by threat of violence and the action of such violence for those that disobey. And the criminal is anyone who breaks those commands.

I say this in confidence because it really is that simple to understand once you look into the actions of "governments" objectively throughout history and once you understand that it is based on the principles that they have the right to rule over you.

For your information, they don't have that right, nor can they have that right even if they voted on it. Because no one has the right to rule over others. It is believed that they do, but the only evidence they have in most part, is their blind faith that is true.

Voting in the political sense, is thus a real criminal act, because it is the call to impede upon the rights of others who are on the contrary side. In reality both sides in the political world is the same side because they both want violence to happen to the other for the outcome they each want, at the expense of their country men.


Did you know it is a crime to wash your ass on a sunday in Tennessee?

Although it is not enforced and hurts noone to wash your ass, it would certainly mean that if you did do it, on a sunday and you were caught, you would be subject to recieve penalty for doing so. And in doing so, would mean you are a criminal in the "eyes of government".

It is one of many countless examples. As obscure as that may seem, it's a reality we fave today. Even having your own thoughts and ideas are no longer viewed as a virtue even by many many officers in the western world. Especially by the black robed demons in court. You remember the video I once shared over real court hearing? Give it a look over.


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