Hey there friends here on Blurt! Since Thailand legalized weed six months ago, the cannabis industry has exploded in growth. Like off the charts growth; zero legal weed shops to well over 2000, and over a million license applications to grow!
I mean Thailand is quickly turning into the weed capital of the world. Very smart business move, as Thailand already has several major complimentary things going for it to aid the weed business along. One, it's the world's top budget tropical weather travel/vacation destination in the world. Another bonus is Bangkok is the major hub airport for all of South East Asia.
Then you add in Europeans being blown out with high electric bills for the winter, and I've already met plenty that have told me they left Europe to "save money" by coming here for cheap easy living. Thailand has also dropped all covid requirements for entry, meanwhile people are hungry and eager to travel after years of covid bull shit and restrictions.
It will also be interesting to see what happens with Chinese tourism in Thailand once China opens back up. Right now, there are lots of Europeans and Russians in Thailand, with some Americans, Canadians, and Australians mixed in as well.
Thailand has impressively done the right thing after basically committing economic suicide for two years straight with all the covid stuff. So congratulation to Thailand for making such a huge and rapid turn around!
With the weed business booming so much here in Thailand. I have access to a lot of different kinds of weed! So let the weed games begin!
Full upvotes to whoever guesses which weed was imported from the USA! Two were grown here in Thailand one was not. Upvotes go out in the next 24 to 48 hours.....Good luck!
1 Banana Daddy (Hybrid)

2 Italian Ice (Indica Dominant)



Hey bud :D
The "italian ice" looks like crap, grown with plant growth hormone to make it dense. Not good for many reasons! The other two look great, depending on how much fertilizer and pesticides were used. I'd choose based on smell from #1 or #3.
I wouldn't know which is from the US just by looking at them, so I'll just guess #2 since I already don't like it :P
Isn't it funny that something which is legal still requires permission from the government, otherwise you get fines/arrest? What we really want is decriminalization - the end of prohibition. Not "legalization"... cannabis is perfectly safe, more so even than caffeine! It requires no more regulation than broccoli. That said, hopefully Thailand (and Canada!) get full decrim soon.
Have a great day bro!
The libertarian free thinker thinks 'decriminalization', but the authoritarian loving control freaks,(the parasite classes), thinks 'legalization' and thus 'legal' theft, from the producer classes - via 'regulation and taxation'...
...'they' are not the same as 'us'...an ugly reality, yet still the truth.
I don't want to give away too much. Cause, well, you know it's my new weed game! So I'll wait until tomorrow to comment and vote.....
But thank you so much for taking the time and playing along. This is gonna be fun. Especially with you participating....put your cannabis knowledge on display! :)
You know your weed brother! #2 is the poisonous Illuminati USA weed! The other two are local organic. ;)
Bahaha, very cool! I've still got it! :D
Enjoy that organic goodness. I can almost taste it!
Okay, chuckle time:
I'm just glad I have learned enough from you to know that I am looking at weed and not some new tasty food. LOL. That second picture still looks like some sort of cooked minced meat product. But this time..... I know for sure it's not.
Hahaha... thanks! That second one, the import...without good lighting it really looks like a turd left behind by your neighbors dog. lol
If one or three were imports then that is some good packing....
I reluctantly go with 2 for an answer because like everything else the US exports, the keep the good stuff for themself.
Congratulations! You won! #2 is the US import. Thanks for playing :)
Where weed grow one...
We'd grow all 🥓
Guessing the Italian Ice....
I say Banana Daddy...
It's Italian Ice! But you get 100% upvote anyway! Thanks for playing brother!
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