Splinter Guide: Knowing Your Way Around

in blurt •  2 years ago 

What you dont know they say doesnt kill you, but that doesnt apply to lot of things nowadays, because what you dont know will only make you stagnant and stop you from progressing. This is what happens to splinterland newbies or players that have little or no knowledge of what they are into. Most Join the game because the new is everywhere, or they can make some cool cash from the game, everyone with their various intention but most aim were cut short within a matter of time when things start turning the opposite. They either dump the acct or keep circling in one spot. Today let take a look at what you are not doing right as a splinterland player.

How To Play Section

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They said Research doesnt kill but widen your knowledge, the how to play section is one of the importance section you need to check out immediately because it contain a lot of things you will love to know as a player, it basically show you what cards basic, stats, abilities, combat, the battlefield, where to position your cards and lot more. to top it all, it also lead you to your first practice. To me, Splinterland is like a school on it own because the knowledge arent limited, they are unlimited and we learn different things every day on each battle field. This is a daily go to section, even as a long term player, i still check this page once in a while.

What To Purchase First

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This part is one of the hardest decision to make and one part where most users make the most mistakes. many went ahead to purchase different monster cards without the idea that your summoner determine your fate on the battle field. I just love this game because your summoner will determine what you can summoner irrespective of the level your monster cards are in essence, you cant use a level 2 summoner to summon level 6 monster cards, that is impossible. So your summoner should be your first investment before anything else, currently since we have chaos edition, we now have cheap summoner available which you can purchase and level up depending on the league you will love to play. each league have their own summoner level limits, you should check that out too.

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To know what your summoner can summon, it is best to check the stats section, it is well detailed there. Merging your cards is one thing newbies dont know is important to make your card stronger in all stats. without merging, their level and stat cant improve, Take note.

Your Collection Power

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To be honest here, back in those days, collection powers were not really important until of recent when your collection power determine the league you can enter. The league you can play in depend on your rating alone, so we battle all our heart out to enter champion league back then and it was somehow easy unlike now that we have tough opponent and we now have different league. To move from one league to another, your collection power is also important, and to increase your collection power, you need to build your cards either by purchasing, been delegate to or you rent cards from the renting section.

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checking the image above, you will see your power and the max tier you can reach, i have 421,327 collection power and Diamond 1 is the highest league i can reach which have 60 chest seasonal reward and it start from 3400 rating, A long tough journey.

Collection power based on card type

Know Your Monster Cards

Will love to put a stop here so as not to bore you with long post, but we still have lot of things to check out. The secret tips to increase your rating is knowing your monster cards and their abilities. This can really boost your knowledge and wins. You will always know the right ability to use based on the rules giving. You shouldnt see a noxious fume rule and not know that you need an immune cards or cleanse and healing cards. This aspect is really important. I hope with this few hint, You will know what to read and focus on. Hope this bring in new change to your game play.

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