Christmas On This Side Of The Globe

in blurt •  3 years ago 


It's the "most wonderful time of the year" like that song by Andy Williams but it seems the festivities might be limited to major cities and highways this time around. With the pandemic dealing us more cards as the day goes by it has become very difficult to assume the usual festive spirit and have fun with family and friends. Christmas, a time for family reunions, bondings, gifts and even renewing friendship might have become one lull period or no different from the rest of the year. Usually in my house, the decorations are up early in the month, the bird to be slaughtered for Christmas wakes you up every morning until Christmas and distant relatives are beginning to arrive with gifts and more fun. The days leading to Christmas are even more fun with constant fireworks and pranks from children in the neighborhood especially about who can stand fireworks lit so close.

Personally I wanted a big Christmas with lots of family around just like it was when I was a kid. By now my dad would have bought a car load of foodstuffs, lots and lots of drinks and of course an entire family of domestic birds so we can have lots of fried chicken for the celebrations. The smell of new clothes would fill the house and the competition would be about who got the most new clothes or whose was even prettier. Catching up with our neighbour's extended family that we had not seen since the last Christmas holiday while touring the entire streets together like we hadn't seen it all before. I know you might be wondering why it's so difficult to create the exact experience but the key ingredient grew up in childhood. Christmas as a child was more fun because we had no idea what sacrifices our parents had to make, we were carefree and made demands not minding if they had to climb up to heaven to fulfill them.

Now that I am older I see it all and I can't enjoy a plate of jollof rice and chicken without taking note of how much it cost as well as that chilled maltina that now goes for tripple it's previous price. Currently, in Nigeria the price of everything has tripled and with the pandemic hang over this Christmas might not shine as bright as it's predecessors. Things are so freaking expensive that some families might have to eat their salad without cream because salad cream has managed to become a luxury overnight. And with a dollar currently going for 570 naira more families will be forced to cut down on expenses while preparing a safety net for the usual January drought.

With the Omicron variant spreading it's wings across the globe daily it is certain that we might all have to spend our time locked up at home once again. An opportunity to bond even more as families no matter how small or large. It is a big reminder that Christmas isn't about where we are or how much food we can devour but how much quality time we can enjoy together. I might not be able to enjoy running around the streets as I did as a kid but I definitely want to try making hot fried chicken for a start, an activity I have never tried but who knows might become a future family tradition. Perhaps a time to try new activities and create new traditions as a family because we will look back at times like this and laugh.

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