The meaning of Curation

in blurt •  2 years ago 

JuSt wanted to share this little comment I made in a discussion I was having with baah cause I think it’s important people understand what goes on over on big brother or downvote focused sites is Not curation. Stop using curation as an excuse for excessive control and centralisation in your mind. This was the comment I made and would like to share.’

‘I think bah completely misunderstands the terminology in the meaning of curation. Curation is about organising posts into categories and displaying and curating ones that you like. Curating is not silencing everyones opinion you don’t like, auto down voting somebody before they’ve even posted, down voting somebody because you either don’t like them personally, they defended somebody who got down voted, they took their own money out of a site, they post on another site. This is not curation I don’t know where you’re getting your definition of curation from. If you curate art for an art gallery you simply organise and display the art that you like and don’t display the art that you don’t like. You don’t make it so that artist can never ever earn money again from their art because you don’t like it or tell them they’ll never ever be able to display art in your gallery at any point in the future, without assessing the work again on an individual basis. If someone did that it would be called ‘barring’ or ‘black listing’ not curating lol .

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

don’t display the art that you don’t like.

Indeed, it's down voting the things you don't think are worthy of being displayed. Curate.

I think you and I disagree on the definition of silencing. You like the libtard bellow, don't consider it being cu-rated as "don't like". You consider it an attack on your person, and at least censorship and silencing.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@baah is special needs but we love him to bits!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It has taken most normies over a decade to see the obvious...


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Tbh I never rly paid either of them attention. American politics only rly got wild over here from trump

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

He defo likes the word faggot almost as much as you like the word tranny 🤣🤣 a friend sent me this today: there defo is some facial similarity. They should just be open about it if it’s true no one cares.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, Barry Soetoro and his boyfriend Michael Robinson were outed before Barry was originally "elected" - but that is too black pill - lol

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I had to use my second mute today on baah lol that’s just too much man 🤣

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes @baah is just too much man for me as well :)

Speaking of too much man:


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I’ve watched a few my 600 lb life when I want a bit of background junk on and a lot of the time the family are just as enabling. Some of the partners don’t even want them to lose weight.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

they need to be accepted for who they are


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I just found a new picture of @baah online :)


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It’s got more meanings than I realised
See fagot, fagoting.
a male homosexual; -- always used disparagingly and considered offensive.
a bundle of sticks and branches bound together; -- same as fagot{1}.
A burning or smouldering piece of firewood.
A bundle of sticks tied together.
Burdensome baggage.
this sense?)(obsolete, pejorative) An old woman.
A shrewish woman.
A gay man.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So you are saying @baah is an old woman who identifies as a gay man and is as intelligent as a bundle of sticks?

And that we should set fire to him and watch him smoulder?

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🤣 we should play a challenge with this who can come up with the best story using all the definitions yours is a strong entry

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

typing just baah and faggot you get a lot of hits

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He's special all right, he doesn't think you can overlap things if they're upside down. Bless.
You're welcome to love him but leave me out of it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah they censored you on hive, now your bff is censored on blurt..

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


the MediaM is the MessageR 🥓

at least glad to see acidyo getting some downvotes

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

also, acid controls the gigantic ocd curation trail

and uses it to "heal" any downvotes he receives

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Yes I know that he was the ones in that chat group that was just laughing and making fun of how to nuke a newbie down to 0 just for entertainment. There was a number of people from OCD in that group it probably was what went on to become OCD to be honest. He had a personal grudge with me ever since then because I refused to laugh along and said that it was bad what they were doing. I probably even tried to pretend to go along with it for a bit because you kind of are afraid of standing out but I could clearly see that it was completely unethical. They would even take the piss out of peoples accents all kinds of crap. Anything could get you on their list to be nuked just that you were a bit over opinionated or they thought you were stupid they would go and pick something in someone’s post like where they had used a picture they hadn’t referenced because they were new and didn’t understand how the platform worked and use it as an excuse to take the whole account to 0 and minus reputation. I think they just grew and grew in power.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

and then @traciyork and @themarkymark got all bent-outta-shape because i started downvoting everything with tiny tiny downvotes


i'm pretty sure it had something to do with peakd changing their policy and now doesn't display the "broken heart" icon for small downvotes

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I actually just never came across marky on hive first I heard of him was on blurt 🤣

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Loool tbh I wish I had the balls to just go on and downvote everyone and post come to blurt every day but the energy there feels so toxic to me. I mean I know we all argue and rant and rave over here on blurt but it’s a totally different energy.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i just setup some automatic downvotes on or whatever, i check on stuff every so often, usually not much going on

i never make NEW posts, so i can't be downvoted

if i need to say something, i just edit one of my old comments and tag whoever i want to signal

i've even spammed the witnesses a few times doing that and there's nothing they can do to stop me

it's like being bullet-proof

although i think i am "muted" by about 30 accounts over there

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🤣🤣🤣 editing the old posts is genius

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I remember them really laughing about flat Earthers and conspiracy theories back then actually.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

if you only support speech you agree with, you don't support free speech

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If I got over a certain amount on my post he would come along and put over rewarded as an excuse to down votes. Yeah was okay for him being even more rewarded for a Twitter link LOL

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

great example

he would downvote posts by lower ranked witnesses when they'd post stats

and when i asked why his stats posts got over $200 and that was ok, he said "a lot of work goes on behind the scenes"

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LOL yeah that’s exactly the kind of thing he would say. Then if you questioned it it would be something like eat shit or F off.

Out of interest how do you have so much power to keep voting for people? I can’t believe how many posts and comments you like LOL I feel mine would’ve run out a long time ago

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it never "runs out" it just gives smaller and smaller upvotes

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I’m a bit like you a lot of the time I just can’t be bothered to monitor upvoting

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

If people genuinely balanced out all very highly rewarded posts you wouldn’t mind so much but it was very targeted

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

We were not allowed to have two accounts but he had two accounts or at least two accounts should I say probably a lot more we were not allowed to post on Steemit yet he was seemingly farming for a long time go and check the wallet activity

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yep, i'm not even sure why he bothers to keep @buildawhale alive, he openly admits it's his

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

a few weeks ago marky was in the top ten

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ura soul made that he is really adamant to change hive for sure

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

these are examples of the top 20 most downvoted

it's hard to imagine they somehow don't qualify as "high-quality-original-content"

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I love the way on the first guy they just somehow missed down voting one post like it slipped through the net LOL

It’s a shame we can’t get more of them over here I know the money is in as much but if enough of us to together it would go up

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i've tried to tell them

but human psychology says they won't pay attention until they hear it from at least three different sources

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I know some ppl think it’s bollox but not me lol but the tarot for the hive cabal says judgment is cOming / loss of power and the tower buckle up and get the popcorn. Or maybe I’m totally wrong 🤣

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it would be fun to see splinterlands make their own separate blockchain

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I know nothing about it rly is that likely ? I guess we don’t rlt want them over here lol

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As soon as I knew there was another option I was here personally

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Or till blurt is worth a bit more Altho saying that some are hardly making anything there. Maybe on some level they enjoy that fight or something

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I would break my fast with reshaping your post but you can’t cause it’s too old lol

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

This was my mostly how my down voting started aside from having seen very shady behaviour in that private group and always being a bit on the radar it really started when I started defending these kind of people getting down voted then of course I got punished for supporting them

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, they love to blacklist anyone who even asks questions about downvoting

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Yes I learnt lol but still couldn’t stop.

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