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I mean, you are banned from trending page

Posted from

Funny what’s at the top huh? I literally cannot believe the blurt team are fiddling with how to get their own posts higher on trending. I hve been rly trying to just focus on posting and not getting involved in anything lately but these people can’t be serious.


Posted from

explain this not getting on trending pls.


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Too much boobs,
but seriously, why should anyone buy blurt if their votes are not included on the trending page. Such censorship also limits the earnings of the banned author because the post is invisible to most users

Posted from

If the blurt team had spent even 1/4 of the time they spent trying to silence one user or drop him off the homepage on the actual platform itself then blurt would probably be 4 c by now, have tons of users and more investors so one persons upvote couldn’t affect trending. They only have themselves to blame and I’m rly sick of it now. It’s like a manhunt at the complete expense of the site. I’m also sick of them chasing investors like you off and saying you want blurt to fail when you hVe hundreds of thousands of dollars here and they hold next to nothing as they cash out. It’s like they want blurt to be worth 0 or something it’s the weirdest thing to watch. I don’t get it at all.

Posted from

Your post in on the trading page on

Tekraze is testing out things on
Screenshot_2022-08-31-00-12-22-658_com.brave.browser.jpg so don't check for now.

Hmm surprise it suddenly went there after this discussion when it probably has about half the value and votes the other one did. I am sure it’s not personal to me tbh I think I was just a casualty of this absolute obsession the whole team has with lucylin. I can’t believe the amount of attention you give him:

Posted from

You just wrote the post. Don't be paranoid. It came up organically. No one is pushing you up and not pushing others down.

Yes they are because the other post had a dollar more, more upvtoes and comments. It’s pretty clear posts upvoted by mariUs are being dropped off trending just to silence lucylin and the rest of us are just collateral. I couldn’t rly care less if I am on trending or not it’s the principle.

Posted from

you are another fucking scumbag, read what your friend tekraze wrote - he is manipulating trending page

Posted from

I was talking about and you are talking about

And I suggest you stop using such language with me. I never use such language and I expect you the same from you.

If you want to be taken seriously then give constructive criticism and not abuse me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ci dwaj to dno siedzą w scamach mega i jacoba. Szarpiesz się ze sprzedajnymi brudasami którzy chcą kontrole i manipulować rynkiem dojąc innych. Nie wiem kto teraz co ogarnia i może faktycznie na engine coś zrobić i pilnować przed przejęciem puli. Ludzie będą mieli przynajmniej kilka opcji do podłączenia jak na przykład strony. Tu to co potrafią to tworzyć scamy i promować na blurt manipulować rynkiem. Inaczej nic nie wyjdzie poza gadaniem...szkoda czasu na tych ludzi. Widząc codziennie staty blurt radze zwijaj co masz.

Posted from

They don't have any intellectual assets that would allow a discussion with lucylin, all they can do is try to drive him away from this site, that's why they use threats and now censorship.

Posted from

Oh really? Why is that?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No one is banned from the trending page, ignore him. We are just experimenting with trending/hot results and meanwhile may have more changes.

Can you explain more how your experiments resulted in this please.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If a vote have 25+ votes, goes to Hot.

If a vote have 50+ votes, goes to Trending.

There is a transparency with Blurt, but people cant wait for that announcement. This does not mean, we are hiding anything.

And are you rly doing all this to get around having Marius votes mean anything and lucylin be on tTending ? I don’t even support or follow the guy but you lot are OBSESSED with him your spending hours and hours on updates instead of making the site actually better for users.

Posted from

Imagine if you had spent all the time your spending trying to silence lucylin just ignoring him and working on updates that help the majority of users enjoy the platform. I bet blurt would be on 4/5 c by now not on the way to 0 this is rly a joke now.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

you are welcome to do the development than just talking

I’m not getting paid to develop and i can’t develop but a developer on the blockchain should be making changes that are concensus changes not my way or the highway. It doesn’t take a genius to see that your upset with on users posts so have made a whole change to the site to make sure his posts don’t show up. You are paid in blurt and that doesn’t help 99 percent of blurt users who couldn’t care less about lucylin and just scroll past his posts. Sure you could get more money doing another job but you do still get paid by blurt and I’m sure the point isn’t to only make changes that benefit only about 5 people when there is so much that could be done to actually make the site great.

Posted from

I’m sure the majority of users wouldn’t want even 1 blurt going to censoring trending to just keep a handful of people happy because they don’t see one users posts.

Posted from

I haven’t opened one of lucylins posts for weeks or engaged, in my world he doesn’t even exist. I suggest everyone bothered adopts that behaviour and stops giving him all this free attention. He’s essentially completely won at this point.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Truths have been exposed - I have won nothing.

I'm not egocentric - nor narcissistic enough - too ever frame it like this. I'm the messenger, not the message.
The egotistical and narcissistic mindset alludes to the 'me'.

This not - nor has ever been - about 'me' - from my perspective.

And all hose who are trying to silence the message ?

(and therefor me, by default - as I am the carrier of the message)

It's ALL about their ego and narcissistic tendencies...(the need to control - hypersensitivity to criticism, etc)

...and at least another 10 traits endemic to these personality types. narrative.

This is no.1..

Posted from

Personally although I like your writing skills and used to find your posts funny I think they are just too much these days. However, I’m often shocked, scratch that, saddened by the way these people are responding and giving sooo much attention to them and clearly feeding you to keep going. At the end of the day most of us would like blurt to go up in value so we are part of a successful social network. A lot of us have put time and money in here. The next trend after nft is social media blockchain, who doesn’t want to be on a team that’s going somwhere. So I do get sick of seeing your posts every single day of just trashing blurt because it is in no way helpful and I got sick of reading it hence I unfollowed; not muted as it’s nothing personal and if you went back to posting funny stories and about liberals in general I would enjoy your posts again. I also think you took it way way too far with imran dragging in his business in any way.

Having said that I am sick to death of how this team is responding to you and rather than just letting you be they are literally fuelling your daily posts, engaging, arguing and spending all the resources and time trying to drop you off trending or mute your posts rather than just make the site better for everyone else. If they put even a tenth of that time into the site itself it would have far more users, a higher price and no ones posts would stand out on the home page just cause one big user like them. It’s honestly pathetic.

Posted from

So why was my latest post on trending with about 6 votes and no comments at the time?

Posted from

Let’s have some proper transparency from the blurt team rather than mysterious unexplained reasons.

Posted from

@world-travel-pro as my appointed witness I would really like you to look into this for us.

Posted from

Miss Ultra Violet Mag! Not ignoring you or this "stuff" ;)

Just am having one of those pulled in 10 different directions kind of days. Haven't even had time to get the things done I wanted....But I'm on it. As your humble appointed witness ;) Thanks for bringing this to my attention!