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This is all so stupid you do realise if anyone actually wanted to post on hive it’s rly easy to just go get 5 new accounts even and post under a different name. I could do absolutely any style of art art and photography and I promise you no one would notice. Either of us could be on there right now and you just have no idea who we are. This whole ‘ they might allow you back on’ shows everything wrong with the platform that a handful of rich ppl really think they have the right to decide who can earn the right to post again lol try and listen to this from some kind of outside perspective and realise how indoctrinated you have been made in that environment. I really think hive drives ppl into some weird mind state.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I’m going to play a little game and make an account on hive this week and see if slobberchops and gang can recognise me. I reckon I can go incognito.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I just reckon nonone would have a clue and puts this silly argument to rest about letting people post. Truth is anyone can make 20 accounts tomorrow if they want to. It’s so rediculous to suggest a circle of 10 or so ppl can decide who is allowed to post on a platform. That’s what they mean by ‘they’. They isn’t majority representation it’s 1-10 votes out of say 100.

I think it's a great way to get over your hive anxiety! hahaha My strategy has always been to laugh at stupid and when it surfaces here on Blurt, I laugh even harder. lol....well, except when crashes the price of blurt.

I am surprised by how obsessed so many hive ppl are with blurt they must watch it all the time from
the way they are here immediately when things happen. I do agree tho it’s a fun place to be, never a quiet moment. lol I’m just waiting for the day one can’t comment till they power up, the internal dilemma will be real, one of the positives about raising the fees 😁

All they can talk about is the latest sunset boring. I played that game for a long time, no wonder they came after me. I was too good at it. lol

You try having a real discussion there, you risk losing everything. Why I still have some hope for blurt, but damn we got to clean this mega mess up ASAP. Apologies to the extremely large investors are in order if you ask me.

Comments are boring for sure I was boring as hell there lol else you risk getting downvotes like I said it’s a place to probablt have 2/3 accounts and just post photos or travel stuff with a bit of text and say thanks to all the comments, no face , no personal info and spend 5 mins a day on. It’s not a place to have authentic connections, free speech or really even promote yourself.

Yeah I can’t believe I let myself feel all that fear it is amazing how indoctrination works and embarrassing looking back, a few months off it and I realise just how bad it was and the kind of spell they hold you under to stay subdued. I see it in other ppl too who come over here and post it’s more obvious once your away from it how indoctrinated ppl have become to the hive mind. Even saying things like ‘ they might forgive you’ , ‘they might let you post’ but you ‘your never getting forgiven’ erm who is they? Lol what a bunch of unforgiving people trying to make out they are on the side of good, cause yeah never forgiving someone for making a post or having an opinion someone else didn’t agree with or not just moving on and letting bygones be bygones is some mother Theresa type trait. This cancel culture is like a virus on society imo.

I dare any one of them that says hive is ok to write a negative / critiquing post about hive with some points they don’t like about the platform lol. Having said that if you have a good downvote weight you can say anything you like lol

How about our friend @drutter coming here and asking if it's ok to up-vote his wife and a few other things that could be used as an excuse to down-vote you. They really keep you walking on eggshells over there, and it can stick to you for a while.

Maybe they took the idea from here 😁

It’s toxic. I truly believe that now I’m completely off it I can see just how unhealthy being on it is. Because people either see the patterns but dumb down a part of themselves to stay earning money which, after a bit your going to explode like most of us do lol then they are like they are crazy lol. Or your the kind of person who just can’t see and becomes easily indoctrinated into the kind of hive mind and goes around retorting their comments and downvoting your friends and people who use the money for even life saving medical bills for ‘the good of the platform’ . I think if you could just auto upload a few pics there every day and not appear as yourself / engage as yourself and just be almost bot like you could make some money without getting suckered In. Probably just writing an auto post bot for hive is the best way to use it imo.