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in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

but nabeel is already within the witness circle and I don't see anyone else getting any say over whether they think it's worth spending 30 k on shoes when @world-travel-pro was offering to bring in a genuine working marketer to be proposed. I personally do not like seeing only proposals passed without some kind of vote or show of interest from the community.

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Has World Travel Pro written a proposal? I had asked him to write a proposal or ask his cousin to do so.

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I've seen him share several posts about it and he bought his cousin on here to make a post which, she did with suggestions and it was just completely ignored. Why is the community not allowed to vote on things? I mean I don't want to make things personal but I doubt many people would vote on giving someone $700 to make sandals with a blurt logo on as a first use case for money from the fund. I mean I personally feel someone like @clixmoney has been doing more. Thats just my personal opinion and if 65 percent of people think that money spent on making shoes is the best way to spend the blurt fund then I would say that won the popular vote, but who actually voted on this proposal of making shoes? I too would be interested to see the full list of everything the foundation has given money to and what it has been used to fund.

He needs to write a proposal and give details of what he want to do.

If he mentions in his post that he wants his cousin to market Blurt then how will we (general users and the foundation) know that it's a proposal?

I spent 3 hours answering his questions on record and I shared everything.

Posted from

Well that’s the thing you were there when he asked. His cousin wasn’t a veteran blurt blogger but I heard him ask if they could set up a call with her and the team or md to have a chat about how she could help and it jsut all got ignored then someone gets 700 dollars to make some shoes. It just all seems crazy to me.

I remember him asking and I assured him that I'll help him talk with the team. But what happened after that? He didn't text me nor did he write a proposal.

I am still here and waiting if WorldTavelPro or his cousin would talk to me about it.

No one ignored them. WTP just talked about it and then forgot.

He should have texted someone.

He still has time. Let him write a proposal and send the link to the team.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

How can he text someone we don’t have anyone on text? I really don’t know what someone can do beyond mentioning it multiple times, asking if they can arrange a call and getting her to go on and make a post and outline who she is etc. This is someone in the real world, who is a professional of course at this point she’s likely lost all interest and just thinks it’s really unprofessional. People aren’t like that in business they say let’s jump on a call and then a call is arranged. I’m sure she’s well over helping at this point. I mean I specifically saw him ask so many times and really try to get in front of the witnesses who could assist and I could just see how uninterested anyone was to chase it up. I really wouldn’t care if someone gave her time, spoke to her and decided it wasn’t right for blurt but the opportunity was just literally ignored then someone immediately gets handed 700 dollars to make some shoes of course it looks bad. She was doing it really as a favour because it was interesting to her and she has family on blurt. She doesn’t need work or anything it was up to someone to actually look a bit interested in pursuing it. To me it’s insane blurt would just totally ignore the opportunity of a top marketing professional helping them but just give money to someone to make some sandals without question. It’s like no one gets any input in decision making of how the fund is used, it’s just md choosing who he likes it seems to me.

Good thing that the whole conversation is recorded and it is available on YouTube. I showed ample interest.

He should have contacted me at least when his cousin decided to join Blurt.

You are just obsessing over this. If WTP wanted MD on call with his cousin how much time does it take him to text me?

And if course he and I have had a few conversations on Discord a few times so he knows that I am available and respond.

You guys can still write a proposal and come up with a plan. I don't know who his cousin is and how big her clients are.

At this point I am just repeating what I have said multiple times. There's nothing that I can add to this conversation now.

All I suggest is that you approach this topic again if she's interested and see how it goes.

Posted from

There is a video talking to the witnesses ( just one of about 3 instances I saw @world-travel-pro bring it up) and he definitely said can you guys arrange a call. How can she get in front of someone? She then even made a post about herself. Why was there no call? I think it’s obvious she can’t call anyone without a number or contact details. That’s the time to say oh you can email here : call here : contact us here etc. I’m sure you’ll find in about 3 times of him mentioning her interest there wasn’t one contact detail given for her to actually engage with someone or anyone that chased it up after the call. She’s not in the private discord so she can’t just chat about it in there.

I’ve just never seen anyone but you personally ( you have supported things and are the only witness I have acrually seen doing it but it’s always from your own pocket it seems anyways) support the people I see doing loads for blurt either, projects directly for blurt don’t even rly get an upvote from md to help fund them let alone any funding. I think ppl just get tired of doing it after a bit when they get no support. I saw clix ask about prOposals endless times too and he even made posts about them and they just always came to a bit of a dead end. I think just a few nice upvotes would have helped a bit even.
I am honestly so dissapinted to see money being thrown at the shoe thing and no one else even getting proper conversations or even supportive upvotes really from witnesses outside of yourself for community based projects. Anyways I’m kind of tired of arguing about it all really and will just get on with posting but I lost a lot of respect for people when I saw that along with other things like freezing accounts it definitely drains ones motivation. A lot of people came here really wanting to help this place build and giving it a lot of time and effort and it just doesn’t feel good. The shoe thing rly rly dissapointed me honestly after seeing people trying to get proposals through for months. It just makes you think what else got thrown money at here without anyone knowing or having a chance to vote on.

And about the footwear thingy... It was the first time ever sw funds were given.

You may not like the idea but it is kind of a cool idea if it is implemented the way it has been planned.

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it's not about whether I like the idea or not, every single person I asked on blurt that I know personally didn't like the idea that much either but I mean if money was flowing, then yeah I would say sure throw some cash at things like this but it would be way way down my list. Thats just me personally and actually if 60 percent of blurt that voted on it, thought it was more important than advertising/ further developments etc etc then I would have supported it as I like democracy. I don't want my will to be heard over other peoples either what I like is fairness. What is fair is giving people a chance to vote on and know about what is funded, not just hear about it on the grapevine. What isn't fair is the inner circle just funding their friends and people they knows projects and no one else getting a look in or a say. @outofthematrix is a witness did you get asked about the shoe proposal and vote it in? I am just interested here how many people got a chance to clear this business proposal. Can you answer us that at least and say how many people were involved in choosing the shoe business to support above all other things?

And you are right anything that has a Blurt logo gets more exposure 😂

Posted from

has any money actually been given to proposals by people outside the witness circle/people int he witness discord/ that know the witnesses very well on a personal level?

Blurt Step is the first project to be funded. A lot of people have written proposals but most of them just ask for Delegations. I guess only Nabeel thought out of the box and asked for Blurt Step.

Posted from

but to where? I mean we asked how to make proposals many times, @clixmoney did multiple posts about it, @world-travel-pro asked about his niece who is a professional advertiser for Disney who was willing to help blurt for a mates rate type price and no one really ever told anyone how to apply.

I have told this several times. Make a post and share your ideas about what you want to do, how you want to do and if you have any experience then share it too.

Mention what kind of funding do you want and what will you do with it.

Post it. Send the link to a Blurt team member or me and we'll share it with the team and see how it goes.

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@world-travel-pro 's cousin I think it was made a post and we spoke about it with witnesses in a call and no one bothered to comment on it or engage. This was someone who literally did marketing for Disney who was willing to work for blurt for a low rate. How exactly was this shoe proposal made? can you link me to the original proposal and was it not discussed in the witness discord group at all? You have to see how from the outside it looks like money is just thrown at random projects because the person is friends with MD and no one else even has a say or is aware of these projects being funded.

She didn't write a proposal and no body took it to the team. How do you think the team will come to know about it?

And only 1 project was funded.

You can search for @Nabeeel's proposal on his profile.

Posted from

How do we take it to the team though? I mean we talked about this lady with the witnesses In a call and she then made a post I don’t know what else someone can do when they don’t have personal details to contact anyone who gives out funding. I mean imo I like the way hive and steemit does proposals to the extent people can vote on them, I mean if it’s just MD deciding he could just literally give money to all his friends for any old project. Who does decide?

I do see this

but I don't see how this went from a post to funding, it seemed like MD already knew about it really from the comments but I am open minded to find out a different story. I have seen other people come up with ideas and even just crack on with them and no one gives them any attention within the circle that could help with funding.

I imagine he asked cause he is already in the witness discord and knows how to personally approach everyone, I think it would have been nice to see a vote on proposals like they have over on other platforms to see if anyone thought this was actually a good use of money.