RE: Closing Time for @ctime @fervi, dubious apps and what happened in the witness channel!

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Closing Time for @ctime @fervi, dubious apps and what happened in the witness channel!

in blurt •  2 years ago 

You think th price will recover ctime double u and both the two m’s leaving along with pushing off someone most the top investors here like curating ( Lucy Lin) your more positive than me that’s for sure. I feel I totally wasted my time investing so much effort here for months

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This makes no sense. Driving off top investors who have been supporting the price and the community through curation. This wreaks of foul play.

Please read my post from last night. It is logical to conclude the attack on price was caused by this top investor (Ctime, Mk and mmmkkk are all the same person) that has seen us lose well over half the value in one week. I also noticed that this same investor targeted you before on Steem.

attack on world pro.png

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Prove it was him them, go on prove it.

I already have in my last post, by quoting and referencing his own admissions.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I thought more of you than this, if you think stealing a mans coins no matter who he is is okay, then you are no friend of mine.
You are OK with making blurt the first trust-less coin on the planet are you?
Welcome to blurt, invest, but if we do not like what you say we will take your coins, what a fucking joke, hive must be in stitches watching this shit show!

How about lucylin, you think it is OK to freeze a guy who only has a few pennies, because megagobshite does not like his words, if you agree with that, you disgust me.

if you think stealing a mans coins no matter who he is is okay, then you are no friend of mine.

I've only had a handful of friends in my life for the record. Now onto your first assertion.

Whose coins have been stolen? Lets stick to the facts.

I'm not in favor of the freezing, but it isn't what you are being led to believe at all.

The whale that seeks to be the new king of Blurt was told he has I believe 40 days to liquidate his wallets and remove them from Blurt. Unlike what happened at Steem there is no theft taking place here.

And when I say he seeks to be the new king, I mean just that. He claims power to the people, but what he seeks is to control the Dao so he can vote unopposed the diversion of it to his own pockets as we have seen many times on the other chains. Those of our stature never have a vote that counts on those proposals.

I'm not sure how this guy has spun himself into being some sort of hero in all of this when his motives are selfish.

So far I've seen no official statement regarding Lucylin. But even moreso than my dislike over the freezing of MMMKKK who I see as wanting to be top dog, I also would not be in favor of Lucylin being in effect told to leave.

I'm not in charge of what goes on here, but I believe the best route the foundation could have taken would have been to fork as Hive did, excluding not only the whale who seeks to be king, but the many accounts and exchanges who have simply sat on the tokens. It would greatly reduce the amount of tokens in play while simultaneously allowing the Foundation to restructure the several mistakes they admit they made when they created Blurt.

It would have then left the structure and maintenance in the hands of the new king, who upon being questioned multiple times on who would continue on running the structures and maintaining them always pointed that responsibility would still for some reason rest in the hands of those he sought to replace.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"The whale that seeks to be the new king of Blurt was told he has I believe 40 days to liquidate his wallets and remove them from Blurt. Unlike what happened at Steem there is no theft taking place here." Says fucking who?

"And when I say he seeks to be the new king, I mean just that. He claims power to the people, but what he seeks is to control the Dao so he can vote unopposed the diversion of it to his own pockets as we have seen many times on the other chains. Those of our stature never have a vote that counts on those proposals."

Prove it.

"So far I've seen no official statement regarding Lucylin. But even moreso than my dislike over the freezing of MMMKKK who I see as wanting to be top dog, I also would not be in favor of Lucylin being in effect told to leave."
prove it.

You all demand proof from me, I provide it, always have, all I see here is paranoia and speculation, you got your head so far up megatossers ass it is insane, like he is, you have all fucking ruined any trust this shit coin had, what a bunch of cunts, you had a good thing going, you fucked up not me, you all fucked up, massive congrats you bunch of easily offended paranoid FUCKTARDS!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

If you scroll up and read this post we are commenting on the information you are having a hard time finding on potential freezing and time frames to leave is there in the body of the post. Reading is your friend.


The same with the week long non stop barrage of verbiage from your benefactor. I can't read that for you either.

It's ironic that you keep talking about being offended, paranoia and speculation and having a head up anothers ass as you exhibit all of these attributes in your rage posts. One of us in this exchange taking place is calm and the other is quite clearly offended and its pretty easy for onlookers to determine which is which.

You might also wish to read my statement to you that I'm not a fan nor advocate for the way the current freeze is being talked of being implemented either. But that would be the logical thing to do and wouldn't feed the fire you need to rage hard at this moment.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Tell me now "who is my benefactor" ? Because you know I live on a farm, with 1 daughter 10 going on 11 July the 31st, I have a wife, very few friends by choice, so tell me oh wise one, who the fuck is my benefactor, you paranoid old fucktard, who is it, someone I have never met, some thing from your imagination?

I am offended by you bunch of cunts arguing with anyone that has any stake on here that megashitehead does not agree with and gets offended by, or feels threatened by.

I could buy this shithole with the sale of 1 bike, you lot did that not me, you did it, face it.

You lot of suckups have devalued this place by 66% plus, you want to blame 1 or two people, take a look in the fucking mirror, when it hits 0.003 expect me, to buy the entire shit show and set you free form your nose up an insane mans arse!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Rage posts lol, so I care not anymore, rage is a passion, try it, or die.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You find this rage? you are as pathetic as the company you keep, PATHETIC!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is this rage, or are you in your blurt bubble with mega idiot? Define rage? Dare you define it, I will buy this place, then you going to lick my boots or be a fucking man?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How the fuck not to run anything by the blurt foundation and the morons they delegated to that chose to be suck up shitheads, why the fuck I came here I have no idea, and boy have you lot fucked up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


If I'm not mistaken, the design of all these platform is for a "new king" to take control. It's called buying a shit load of blurt and pushing the price up. That's why all these whales have always said if you don't like.....then buy more hive/steem/blurt and then you will have the power to.....

Here at blurt....if you buy the product you don't get any decision making power, you are just looked at like a threat, especially if you have opposing views to the founders.

In other words, if you don't like something then buy more blurt! Then you will think you have the power to change things, but in reality the founders will just threaten to freeze your account and force you to liquidate your position for a massive loss.

As you refer to kings of the platform....I'm happy to receive the "king" that pushes my investment up, not down. Then receive the next "king" that buys them out, and so on. By king #3 or #4 we should have a nice 30 cent price, but going against the natural economic design combined with artificial interference to maintain power, we have jack shit and major loses. But I guess major investors powering down and destroying the price and support to bloggers, combined with damage of trust and reputation to the platform is ok with you, and worth it?

Also what is up with your continued power down? You claimed to have started it because the foundation may be abandoning the platform....they have made it clear that they are not, yet you still powerdown? Do as you wish of course, but seems like you too are sending mixed signals.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's starting to sound that way...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If I have power over Blurt, I will freeze your account first. So as not to be stolen.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No one touches my account but me

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Investors come and investors go. Blurt has survived it all and will go from strength to strength. If the price drops it is an opportunity for others to accumulate and dilute the centralisation of high stakes accounts.

Not rly it didn’t really ever come back from double u leaving but that was fair enough now the other biggest three that will take a long time to replace in a bear market

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are deluded.