Why are people upvoting their own posts?

in blurt •  10 months ago 

I'd like to know why you would vote on your own post, and I'm spending my own blurt just to ask. So, if you are a person who has voted on your own post, please explain it to me.

Also, is this not a thing that just shouldn't be a thing? Like, can we not just remove the ability to like your own posts?

So many things about blurt are very confusing, and I feel like that's a huge part of why it's not gaining popularity.

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People can choose to do whatever they want with their own Blurt.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Sure, but it just immediately strikes me as "gaming the system" which is not something I'd think Blurt would want to happen.

This is a bad analogy, but: imagine loaning yourself money, and somehow making interest from yourself on your own money. It just doesn't make sense.

If I go out and buy 1 Million Blurt I would hope to get a good return on my investment. If I can earn 20% or 50% from Delegation or maybe upvoting a few of my own posts while also upvoting others why should you worry about it ? I recommend everyone go out and buy 1 Million Blurt and invest it however they like. But also curate / upvote and reward others at the same time. It’s your choice.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

I get it, but, at the same time, this is supposed to be a social media platform. It's one thing if Instagram pays you for engagement from others, but it would be ridiculous for them to pay you to upvote your own content.

You can choose what you want to do.