Most disturbing facts of all time.

in blurt •  2 years ago 


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We all love to learn something new, probably not something academic related. Well we also might have come across facts we which we never knew. That’s what his article is all about, bringing you facts from across the internet you would wish you never knew.

  1. you might actually be traveling with not just the living in your cruise. What do I mean? Well, it turns out that a number of aged people die on cruises…and also accidents happen. This means that all cruise liners have a morgue chamber in them.

  2. now this one brings chills down my spine; you most likely know that a great number of people have died trying to climb the world’s tallest mountain, but I bet you have no idea that their belongings and bodies are used as a trail mark for the next hiker.

  3. talking about hiking and mountains, it would be rude to forget the David Sharp incident; David was a hiker freezing to death so close to another frozen body which is being used as a land mark, 40 hikers had passed beside him not realizing he was still well alive, but sadly by the time they realized it was a too late.

  4. The last execution by a guillotine was in 1977.

  5. And I just recently realized that one of the methods romans used to execute offenders or prisoners was by beating them up and then sewing them into a bag with dogs, snake, live chicken and monkey. Afterwards they are thrown into the sea.

6 during the bubonic plague people sometimes reported feeling and hearing strange gurgling noises coming from their lesions.

7 did you know that 40% of murderers get away with their crimes, this is because most of the crimes could not be solved.

8 did you know that the cause of death for pregnant women is murder most times murder arising from domestic violence.

9 researchers believe that a child below the age of 16 dies every five seconds from causes that could have been prevented.

10 we loose 30,000 people every day to hunger and poverty, including children.

11 In the past babies used to be operated on without the use of anesthesia because doctors believed the can’t feel pain. It’s amazing how some of them survived the operations, luckily this was stopped in the 1980s.

12 Did you know that many European countries had human zoo, even the UNITED STATES.

13 in the 16th and 17th centuries, many Europeans would take in medicines made from human corpses because they believed it cured different illness.

14 mummies were once used in paint, they would later be known a mummy brown.

15 have you ever had the feeling that you are going to die? Don’t ignore it. A sense of impending doom is actually a symptom of some medical issues and conditions, including receiving the wrong blood type in a blood transfusion.

16 you could have an unruptured brain aneurysm right now and not be aware of it, it could actually rupture at any time. Well this is why a regular checkup is important.

17 this is actually rare but cracking and popping your neck could cause you to have a stroke, now that’s wild.

18 Do you know one of the wildest viruses, well, it’s not covid, it’s rabies. Rabies’ mortality rate is 99.99% higher than any other disease on the planet.

19 To those who love eating oysters,if you’ve ever had a cloudy oyster that means it is full of sperm.

20 these one is really creepy if you think about it; king cobras can growl.

21 Also the venom of some snakes could make your blood clot so quickly that it basically turns to jelly. my fear of snakes just went up the roof.

22 Adult otters sometimes rape and kill other otters and their offspring, they also engage in necrophilia.

23 well we all know squirrels love nuts and we think they are herbivores but they are actually omnivores, they sometimes attack, kill,and eat other animals.

So what do you think? Which is the creepiest?

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