Witness Node is Back, but Still going Dark

in blurt •  last year 

Witness Node is Back

Yes, the title is correct. I have turned on my witness as many asked me to turn it on back because there is a risk to chain. The chain doesn't have many witnesses to support it. So I have to turn it on.
Many people also shared with me, that they also want to go away same like me, as they also don't feel like continuing, so don't be sad, if that happens, many will be going soon for sure.

But whats being in Dark ?

The node I turned off, not because I was not earning well or position, but because people take witness for granted.

On chains like Bitcoin, Ethereum there are miner nodes, that mine tokens. Yes, witness is a miner that mines Blurt tokens.
Many people only run Witness because, it gives them tokens as mining benefit.

But no, its not only thing. A witness is more than a miner.

If a number of witnesses don't run chain can halt. If a witness don't agree to chain update, he can reject the update. If all reject, the chain stays secure.

Being a Graphene chain witness, where the main thing is blogging, Witness do have a voice, that community want to hear.

But sadly, all I see witnesses are asking again and again to vote for them in the witness, without justifying, why you are here as a witness.

Being a miner is not bad, you can do mining anywhere, the token doesn't even have much value here, so it doesn't make sense.

If you only here for tokens, and not interact with people, not support what a community stands for, and not support them or share news, updates with them. Being a witness is not for you.

So, being in Dark is that I will be doing same from now on.

No more speaking for community, no more interaction, only thing that I will do is development.

There is a strong chance of takeover of this chain, and I don't care now. I will be running the witness node, as long as I am able to mine the token with some value.

Don't except me to share any updates, or decisions or standing in your favour.

This is also because, the community is not that strong itself, the community failed for me as well themselves.

A sign of that is new witnesses coming, without any interaction, motive and reaching directly to top 10, even number 1 and community supporting them instead of supporting people who are there from start of the chain or atleast a year.

It simply shows, people do only care for money themselves, and not ethics. The negativity is promoted as well. I will not say its bad, to earn money by voting for bigger accounts and supporting them in return for big votes from them.

But that simply destroys the blogging and community interaction, as the only goal for earning money can be achieved other ways as well.

In the name of supporting those people, the community have killed the soul of this platform.

Witnesses like @kamranrkploy who support the price by buyback are not even in top 20, when being there in all hard times.

Many witnesses in top 10, don't even interact with anyone.

So, the issue is not the money or the ranks, its the community itself.

Like the new generation says

I am not getting Vibe anymore, the Vibe is surely missing now

Its nothing more than a platform where people earn more spreading hate than people who spread love and care.

Your friendly witness @tekraze signing out leaving behind miner @tekraze


Posted from https://blurt.one

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  ·  last year  ·  

When i became a witness, i was not in top 30 or 40. I started a long way and i remember that i was on 43 or 44 rank for few months.

I didn't closed my witness. I slowly get in top 30 and when there was a attack on blurt during the Christmas, it was my honour and pleasure to be one of the trusted witnesses who was there on supporting the chain.

New players here who joined late don't know about the attacks blurt have gone through.

Also, i am happy that i can proudly say that i never ran a witness node for the rewards because if that was the case i would have stopped my node after few months of starting it as i was not even in top 40.

Top 20 recieve more rewards, then slowly the rewards decrease for upper ranks.

But me and many others ( i am sure including you ) are here for this platform.

Yeah, i hope i will climb the witness rank in future but you know there are 280 people who supports me and that is really awesome.

Blurt, this platform has given me 280 people who trust me and who have voted for me. For them, for this platform, for people who are here from the beginning ( in good and bad time ).

May blurt rise, that's what I wish for in my Dua after the Namaz.

Thank you everyone for supporting me 😊.

Blurt on !!!!


  ·  last year  ·  

The more variety of stable witnesses we have on Blurt the better^^ ❤️

  ·  last year  ·  

True 💯

  ·  last year  ·  

Well that is 100% true

  ·  last year  ·  

I could feel the emotions you wanted to convey with your post and I hope you know that it is normal to get discouraged especially when things don't seem to get better. I share a very popular phrase with you in my country and I hope it helps you: "There is no evil that lasts 100 years or a body that resists it"

This means that situations change, there is no crisis that can last 100 years and if it does, there is no one capable of living it further. I have also been in the shadows indirectly for the last few months, it seems, many times it is better to be like this and avoid conflicts but we continue to support blurt by maintaining our projects and being with an eye on it to act if necessary.

The best for you and I hope you can continue your work in blurt in a sustained way 😎

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for commenting

I am happy for you as you worked a lot for the blurt and built useful tools, one which I myself use.

The situation is not what it seems like or what some people trying to explain.

Whenever someone raise the real voice ( mostly me)
Those people will create another situation with a false narrative and diverting from actual issues.
This is happening for a long time now.

The issue can be solved only if we know the issue, not when they keep changing.

I hope you understand what I am saying.


  ·  last year  ·  

Wise words ! Congratulation to be #5, you are a great Blurt member.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

People display a full set of emotions, attitudes, personal perceptions and have thousands of different stories - also sad ones to tell or those that present other social groups (including privileged ones) in a bad light, and not just the positive ones full of fake kindness and artificial smiles.

This, for example, cannot be understood by leftist propaganda with its dictionary of terms such as:

Hate speech, FUD, racism, fake news and low vibe.

And so real and uncensored social platforms where freedom of speech reigns and not artificiality enforced by censorship, present all these attitudes. We may not like it, but that's real life.

Is it bad? not quite the opposite. Man reaches fullness, develops spiritually and rises to higher levels of perception only when he experiences fullness, and does not live in an artificial bubble avoiding unpleasant things.

Some people today lock themselves in their homes and do not leave them because they work remotely, order shopping remotely, and experience the world through VR, games, movies and the Internet, and an artificial vision of reality is created in their heads, which is the result of censored portals, politically correct propaganda and their own arguments.

It is negative experiences that often push outstanding people to look for a better way, a way to make the world better, to avert wars and cruelty. Without these experiences, people then do such stupid things as, for example, inciting, for example, to participate in the war with Russia and Ukraine instead of looking for a way to end this conflict. By repressing evil, they become angry due to their ignorance of what evil is.

In my opinion, the essence of human life is not to live in happiness, but to experience and make mistakes that help it grow. Also errors in wrong voting for witnesses. Another thing is that you can also judge the situation incorrectly and the decisions made by certain people to place such and not other witnesses may be right in the long run,maybe you just can't see why for now?

I definitely don't claim to know everything. I also think that things could look different here, but it is what it is and you have to adapt and do your own thing trying to act in accordance with your conscience.

  ·  last year  ·  

I better talk to a Bot over discussing with you, he might make some sense.

Anyways, I dont care anymore, so feel free to spread your ideas, if you yourself can understand the idea first.

Good luck with that.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

you see that's what i'm talking about. you talk about good vibes but you have a lot of low vibes in you right now. It's not because others are to blame, it's always about us - our internal conflicts of unfulfilled desires and expectations.

Nevertheless, go to talk to a bot then. I wish you health

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Stop already... I am fed up of your long messages, and not even one make sense to me.

I will see myself with whom to talk

  ·  last year  ·  

Look, I'm not your enemy. We both see that some things are not right here, and we both have the best interests of this network in mind. It's that we have different views on what the problem is. This is no reason to dislike each other at the level of ordinary, non-Witness, relationships.

  ·  last year  ·  

Its not about me liking you or hating you. Its about the nonsense, you as well other people before you spreaded.

There is a same pattern of people we have to face, and I admire that consistency, only thing same that everyone keeps blaming me and team, but never a solution.

You also do same thing, and no one has the time to keep reading those long message, only to know at end, there is no conclusion or clarity to what you are saying.

You are forcing your impression on community, that you want good, but all you do is waste peoples time.

So, dont make any assumptions, I clearly told in the post, I dont care anymore, what happens to this chain. But this does not mean, people like you keep coming to my posts, and keep making the statements with nothing valuable.

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  last year  ·  

I don't create any impression, I just talk, ask and check how things are going in order to be able to make the most sensible decisions about what should be done to make things go better.

Also time will tell if what you think is wasting time was indeed it.

However, I wish you good luck

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Who is @matthew1 and @marendan ?
The only two witnesses i havent seen before.
Otherwise in the list , people are very much part of the community.
And it is pretty much always the same list.
Now , the bad players who are not top 10 or top 20 anymore can complain i understand, since some are here for a long time and seeing @nabeel in top 20 and not @kamranrkploy is odd ...sure...but what you say doesnt make any sense....even @saboin is back #1 and your sweet turban is sitting on #7.
Anyone pusheddown from #20 list can complain and be hurt but people dont vote @saboin out of FEAR or @khrom out of FEAR or ricardo out of FEAR ...and for doubleU go blame Jacob, who told the community to vote for him.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

I am happy to be a witness supporting this beautiful platform free of downvotes.

Irrespective of the position i am on, i am happy as there are 280 people who has voted for me. 280 is not a small number, atleast it's not for me.

There blurtpower might be very little but 280 people are there who votes me. Ofcourse i wish i will get on top again and no hate to anyone who is above me.

Anyone pusheddown from #20 list can complain and be hurt but people dont vote @saboin out of FEAR or @khrom out of FEAR or ricardo out of FEAR ...and for doubleU go blame Jacob, who told the community to vote for him.

No should be afraid to vote for anyone as a witness specially if we are here proclaiming the platform to be working on the decentralised system.

About the witnesses who are new and people haven't seen or heard from them. They are on the top not because of the support of the people here but because of the whales and that is totally alright , right ?

It is a number V/s Power Game. 100 people together might not be as powerful as a single person alone on this platform.

Thank you.

PS :

I hope more witnesses will join as there are few dead / disabled witness whose position can be taken by new witness who have love for this platform.

  ·  last year  ·  

About the witnesses who are new and people haven't seen or heard from them. They are on the top not because of the support of the people here but because of the whales and that is totally alright , right ?


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

My vote for you is not moving you up at all :(

Like you said, what matters is how involve you are no matter what.
I see in top #10 @fervi @khrom and bal who are dev AND witnesses for Blurt which is in my opinion very much important and sadly they are not employees ( no salary for them ).

  ·  last year  ·  

Well - I think that is impossible. First the Blurt Foundation would have to want to make a real effort to talk.

We're not after the money, we're after the funds from the Blurt Foundation REAListically to support blockchain. If the money that the BF gets went to advertising, charity (it's also a form of advertising), to Blurt's independence then I think it would be enough for everyone.

Right now it looks like BF takes the money, I assume distributes it to a couple of people and then states that they won't develop anything because it's the community's problem and it's up to the community to do it all.

I will leave aside the fact that many people associated with the Blurt Foundation are also developing other crypto-community networks.

I personally don't even know what's going on as I'm not officially invited to the witness section on the Blurt Discord :P

And the project with free account creation was to be audited by the Blurt Foundation. They don't need to be reminded every six months.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

I will leave aside the fact that many people associated with the Blurt Foundation are also developing other crypto-community networks.

Almost nobody talks about this, but why would they...

  ·  last year  ·  

Some people here have been screaming out loud all these issues, myself included but it seems
More we speak up, deeper they hide...
The boat has no more captain, but keeps on cashing out...Rycharde is gone to other projects as i see him in Hive projects, Jacob has never been here and is on other projects, even tried hard to get into LUNC project but got bloked as he was asking way too much money. Ricardo is on to other projects since the beginning too and Saboin is in Hive...all this as we all know and from the beginning, Blurt was only a side dish.
If this chain is taken over , like Bal said , that would be by people who really care and invest ( for a long time now )
But the hidden founders, unfortunatly blocked the project by printing blurt on and on and using people to use their accounts to vote others ( blurtbooster , coconut curation etc...) to accumulate more and made partners with different entities and accumulated so much that they can hold always the #1 witness spot, the keys and the power over the community... ( DAOfund is only a veil ).
Ricardo told me how they will use their power to always keep #1 and fully centralise blockchain, they proved it by going further in hardcore accumulation phase, always using the excuse that some entities like doubleU or Mk etc..are trying to steal their spot.
They say this chain his theirs..they show it over and over ( all founders )
Who ever beside the employees ( their 3 friends, Angelica, Bestkizito and Zahidsun ) think they will get something out of their time from them is dellusional.

The only door they are showing is the door out if we dont comply to their hidden rules.
Is a hardfork or selling dirt cheap ( since the price crashed to hell ) and leave.

All this has been said over and over , All this is very clear but not many seems to really see it... i was blind too at first but Rycharde and MK opened my eyes in their own opposite way.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Hi @tekraze,

I'm really sorry to read how you feel ...

But no, its not only thing. A witness is more than a miner.

Witnesses like @kamranrkploy who support the price by buyback are not even in top 20, when being there in all hard times.

As you said , being a witness is not always about the revenue , but also the community you develop by contributing to it. So I'm very sure community will remember always. Let's say positive

Cheers !