RE: Witness Talk - 29 Aug 2022 - My own views(Not team)

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Witness Talk - 29 Aug 2022 - My own views(Not team)

in blurt •  2 years ago 

I am not playing with anything. I don't even get any money for working on latam. So if you think, I am doing something shady, please keep believing that.

I don't have to answer anyone

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In the nicest possible way a few ppl on the team need some counselling sessions, not even saying this to be mean but for professionals to be getting this pressed over a couple of users making negative posts and saying you are being abused is a major over reach. The lot of you keep going and engaging with lucylin too and actually going to his page. Not one of you has just stepped away and stopped giving him attention. I think being given some tools to handle your triggers and be able to just scroll past and focus on making blurt a better place would be the only way this token can be saved.

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Yeah very blockchaIn way of thinking there hahaha ‘ I don’t have to answer to anyone’ you do realise the whole point of blockchain is to have no central authority right but more of a consensus / code.

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