RE: Witness Talk - 29 Aug 2022 - My own views(Not team)

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Witness Talk - 29 Aug 2022 - My own views(Not team)

in blurt •  2 years ago 

not your fucking business who gets my upvotes

Same for you, not your business who gets to trending.

I see - the real reason for censorship (all posts upvoted by me are banned from trending on

I don't have the time to do that, stop living in dreams. You are just a normal user like everyone else.

you're such a fucking loser

I can only see a loser in you who is crying like a kid

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Marius is one of the biggest investors here. It seems like blurt has some kind of hatred for people who invest in it. I’ve just never seen anything like this in my life. @world-travel-pro. I think this requires your attention. NSFW doesn’t bother me cause I don’t mind clicking a button to not use bad language or naked images etc infront of younger users but this seems to be getting way out of control here.

Posted from


Blurt has no hatred for people who invest. But for some crazy reason these big investors have hatred for people who work for Blurt.

Dan is a big investor too and no one ever had a problem with him. Do you know why? Because he doesn't spread FUD and doesn't encourage stupid posts written by your good friend to defame us and mock us all day.

Who is my good friend ?

Posted from

If you mean Lucy Lin I’ve publicly said his posts go too far and are not helpful and are just toxic at this point, and just too much whinging daily, you’ll even notice I stopped following a while back and have not engaged in anything. It is Petra that is good friends not me. If you mean Marius however, the guy kept completely to himself and just upvoted till people threatened to freeze his wallets and then are fiddling with the trending it seems to have his upvoted posts not show on it! Wtf is the blurt team up to? Of course he’s pissed he’s invested a ton of money here and is watching it drop by the second by these crazy behaviours. Most the blurt team just cash out constantly they don’t have the balls or belief in the platform Marius has tbh they just take the money as it comes.

Posted from

Dan did make a negative post about MegaDrive and Blurt but then he still recieved some respect because he was critical and not trolling the team.

And Dan and Drutter and many others to this day criticise Blurt and show us the issues and mistakes on the platform and the team quickly takes their suggestions because they don't mock the team. They genuinely criticise and point out errors. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Dan actually got hated on by the team for a while regarding the hive posts. People seem to have short memories.

Posted from

But I don’t know what your talking about as lucylin is not my friend and I haven’t followed him for a while. I know his posts are annoying but just unfollow like I hve an leave him be. I cannot believe the effect he is having on supposed adults. Is everyone’s ego rly that fragile? They can’t just ignore a few negative posts from one user.

Posted from

I was talking about Lucylin...

It's not about a few negative posts. It's about the lies he spreads and trying to mock people and discredit their work.

So why do you assume he is my friend? I’ve specifically stood up for you against him and I gave you the word defamation. I also unfollowed him and completely ignore him. Why are you saying he is my friend? I don’t support what he’s doing but I don’t support the way you guys are reacting to it eitheither.

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Thank you for standing up for me.

People did have a problem with dan actually at the beginning I remember quite clearly he got a lot of hate for making posts that were negative about hive.

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You guys are literally ruining this site with you absolute obsession with Lucy Lin. Your giving this guy so much focus and spending hours changing the whole site around every two months on his behalf and causing a ton of friction between users. If you had just given him 0 attention from the beginning blurt would probably be on 5 c by now. Come on how old are you guys? 5? Get a grip and act like adults. Stop spending hours and hours of time and resources focused on this one user and maybe spend a bit of time trying to build the platform. Your crashing it to the ground and giving lucylin more and more focus as you go.

Posted from


About Lucylin:

The thing is you are not being defamed by lucy. I was defamed by him and he tried to cook up stories and tried to link my organization to some people and organisations that I have no idea about.

Do you know how much time it takes to build a team, an organisation and gain people's trust? It tooke years of work and this lunatic comes up and cooks up a story and tries to defame me, my work and my team. It took me years to build a trusted team and he goes on to link it up to some organisation.

Same goes for MegaDrive, Tekraze and others. These people have spent years building this platform and now everytime someone visits Blurt they notice Lucy's post voted by Mario, MK, Ctime.

What kind of message are these top investors want to send?

They clearly upvote every negative post about Blurt or its team.

Imagine my situation. I was working to get a ton of Indian startup guys on Blurt and spent weeks talking to them and when a few of them finally arrived they see a defaming post about me written by Lucylin and upvoted by MK, Ctime etc.

Do you think these people joined Blurt? No.

I appreciate MK, Ctime and others for investing in Blurt but their recent attitude towards everyone and lack of respect does raise fingers.

Imagine Lucylin mocking MegaDrive openly and yet crying about freedom of speech?

I need Freedom from this filth. I don't want to see a post mocking my real life. Discrediting my work without even understanding a word in the video he saw.

It is a clear attempt to destroy Blurt by these people. I know they have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars but I don't know why they want to destroy it.

I stood up for you and gave you the word deformation lol. You said it didn’t bother you in chat, I said it would bother me. I had one post made negative about me on the past I totally ignored it and never got another one. You guys keep going to his page, keep giving him attention, keep commenting, keep making huge changes to the site and pissing everyone off and making the value of the token plummet by focusing on him so much. I don’t even see what lyclyin posts cause I just unfollowed a while ago and don’t see it.

Posted from

It doesn't bother me still but lies are lies and he spread them about me and our organization.

Then sue him. You have more money than him and gov connections. If you rly feel he’s posting sensitive stuff that affects your life do it properly and send a cease or decist.

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Arguing with him back and forwards and making the whole site work around him isn’t the way.

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No one is doing that. I stopped a long time ago.

No one is ruining blurt but it’s own team! The absolute obsession with trying to silence lucylin and argue with him has destroyed this whole Platform bit by bit. It’s sad to watch. He hardly has any followers now, or engagement. It was happening naturally as users realise they don’t want to see such negativity every day. If you guys had just ignored him he would have steadily dropped down over time. I don’t think you can see how much of a platform you are giving him with this obsession.

Posted from

The team is not obsessing over Lucylin. The team has done a lot of development in recent times. You can read a few recent posts by Dan as he now has access to Blurt Witness server and he knows the things that are going on.

There isn't even a single mention of Lucy or Ctime and others in months. Dan can tell you about that.

It is Lucy who is obsessed with the team.

They are obsessed you guys engage on so many of his posts and have done all kinds of crazy things to hide his posts that have caused the token to crash. From freezing wallets, to special coal lists just for him and 4 others, to changing trending, to nsfv. Now I don’t mind the nsfv but when it’s used properly in a none personal way. I’m sure you can’t try to suggest lucylin hasn’t been in your main focus for months now.

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Maybe if mega drive and friends started upvoting a range of decent posts and making the site better the negative posts would drop down. Along with not arguing back and forwards on lucylins posts giving them more engagement.

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MegaDrive and friends don't want to control what comes on the trending page by giving our votes. The team wants the community to find good posts and bring them up organically.

As for the situation on the trending page is either voted by Upvu and such vts or Ctime and group. The team is trying to come up with something that will help genuine users to come up on the trending page with the help of the community.

The reason ctimes votes affect trending so cause for some unknown reason blurt seems to want to chase off big investors so there is no competition to ctime. If instead of this manhunt on silencing one user blurt had focused purely on being a better more appealing site, since before threatening to freeze wallets there would be more users and more investors and ctimes votes wouldn’t dominate treding. Rather than continually piss around with the trending page just work to stop chasing off users with this obsession with taking down lucylin and it’ll naturally balance out over time. Big investors should get a decent day in curation cause they have invested money into the platform and held it there. Blurt needs that more than ever. They should be being celebrated not attacked.

Posted from

You got it all wrong. Blurt team is not trying to chase big investors away. A few of these investors are trying to chase away the Blurt team by promoting lies and voting on posts that mock users of Blurt.

Its a planned move to take control over Blurt.

Posted from

Maybe ask the users or get dan to make a poll. Then users will feel they get some options rather than it’s my way or the highway. One user one vote. I’m all for making improvements to the site but I’m sick of how much focus is being given to block or hide lucylin. He’s totally won at this point cause he has all your focus, time and attention at all times.

Posted from

I mean are you even reading yOur own words? They have invested hundreds of thousands of pounds and you don’t know why they are trying to destroy it. Just think about that sentence for a minute. You would have to be a complete idiot to want to destroy a site that you invested hundred of thousands of dollars on... so maybe just maybe you should actually listen to what Marius is saying and try to find some common ground. Saying someone who invested hundreds of thousands, whilst you constantly cash out, is wanting to ruin the site is a joke. Sorry but come on. Think about this a bit.

Posted from

Then let him work on building Blurt back again. I don't see him building a frontend for his freedom loving friends.

I don't see anything positive coming from him. All I see is he and a few others voting crap about me. What do you have to say about that?

Incase you hadn’t noticed he doesn’t have many followers now, he doesn’t get much engagement. You didn’t need to waste all this energy and time and focus obsessing over silencing him. If you just let nature play out ppl would just get bored of seeing the same whinging posts every day and unfollow. I blame only the team for this. Yes lucylins posts are annoying but the fact that people didn’t just ignore him and focus on beneficial things from day one is unbelievable and Marius has done nothing wrong other than invest in this token and actually hold his tokens unlike a lot of the team.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What do I have to say. Unfollow and ignore and stOp giving him endless free attention and if he defames you take legal action.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, the same guy who just abused me, just because I was in trending and he is not. He is just an investor, but it does not make him an owner. He is the part of same community as any other person.

He may have money, but we people have invested time and we do not need someone abusing us and at the same time telling us what to do.

Don't keep taking sides like these.

Enough with your investor thing every time.

Is anyone on the blurt team actually able to converse like an adult? I have never seen such fragile egos in my life that feel abused at every turn and corner and can’t just scroll past a few negative posts when they are supposed to be in an official role? Imagine if Mark z came on and started arguing with the users over a meme someone posted of him on fb. He would be considered a complete joke. I think you guys should rly step back from any public engagement and leave it to @world-travel-pro before blurt is worth 0

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He is just an investor...

How much more do you really need to know about their mindsets?

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Mark Zuckerberg recives millions of negative messages. He recently talked about it and you must read about it. It affects him too.

But like a professional he does not get involved. Have you ever seen him argue with a user ? Have you seen him spend hours and days and months of his time trying to take down one user? No and that is Why fb is popular and blurt is going down.

Posted from

Errr... You must read more about Facebook. The FB team does a lot and Blurt hasn't done anything.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The fb team has done some terrible stuff with silencing our vaccine and alt truth posts and people hate it and fb is losing users constantly. It however has never gone after someone for saying mean things about mark z. These sites are meant to be better than fb not worse!!!

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True FB does that. Blurt on the other hand doesn't do it and Blurt is home to some really good truthers and they use this platform to share their truth.

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