After a long time here I am back with some more updates

I was thinking of posting later, but I noticed people already using that and even sharing the update. So here I am with that.
I just finished doing these changes yesterday last night, so I have not posted.
Here are the changes that can be seen.
Reward Claim Button
Now you can also claim rewards from the notification tab. As you might check notifications frequently, you can at the same time now claim rewards as well. No need to login into your wallet. (Unless you need to send/withdraw)
Account Info
This page was inspired by one witness who is working on some other app (I will let him announce his app) and also let us know about the methods that need to be used, as we don't have the dev docs yet. So, I might as well don't know the methods.
So coming back to this update.
Here we added a witness info column as well as voters. So, if a user is Witness, all witness info as well as voters for the witness will be shown.
A list of all users who voted for a witness. You can click on each name to see further details.
Witness Info as well as witnesses voted by the witness himself.
But if a user is not a witness, only the people he votes for will be shown.
I will be adding more info here soon.
The top navigation was broken for a long time (unnoticed) and is now fixed.
Also, some CSS-related issue with dark mode was fixed. But still, if you experience dark mode not working, let me know.
So, these were the updates, that were done. I will be doing more updates soon, as I was busy before.
Thanks everyone
@tekraze Witness Projects
Blurt Alternative Frontend -
Blurt Wallet Alternative Frontend -
Blurt RPC -
Blurt witness Node - @tekraze Witness Node
Techclub curation - @techclub
Blurt Dapps page
Blurt Recovery tool -
Blurtlatam Frontend -
Blurtlive Frontend -
Serey Witness - Announcement
Tipmeacoffee witness - Witness vote page
Digchain Validator - Validator Explorer Link
WLS Witness - Witness Page
You can support me by giving a vote to my Blurt Witness as I am doing dev work, Hosting an RPC, and now frontend.
If you really want me to be here on this platform, only your witness vote can help me, so feel free to do this by clicking on the below link
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Tekraze on Medium
Dehazelabs on Medium
Love being able to claim from notifications tab. Time saver for sure.
Good to know
I'm glad that you're back on the horse.
I will also have some updates in the coming weeks. I'm not going to reveal the surprises yet, but it's something the community has asked for for a while now.
I also have some of my own projects not related to the core team that I will try to finish soon.
Yepp, I still need to be back in form. We can complete all features we thought of and it will be great
Your projects also people will love
A good amount of information decidedly.
When I first saw the earnings call directly from the same page to publish, I didn't trust myself too much and continued using blurtwallet. Now that I see that it is an official modification I am more calm.
Yepppp 🙂
Love your updates and developments!
Tekraze, making reward claims easier is a good thing, but making them automatic would be even better. Our money should be deposited immediately upon payout, not at some later date when we click a button. Blurt wallets work on compounding interest (exponential growth) and compounding stake-based voting. To delay a payment, even for one second, is wrong. This slows the growth of the user, and anyone that user supports with votes.
Please tell me, who is holding the user rewards (money) between the moment of payout and the moment the user clicks the "redeem" button? In other words, who is unduly profiting off this unnecessary and harmful delay?
Also, you mentioned the "notification tab". Where is that tab?
It's just that claiming rewards action have some fees associated, there can be case when rewards are low fees are high, there can be no rewards but fees applied. We are not saying it's not possible, it's just that because of avoiding this, auto claiming was never done.
Also, I am not sure what you saying. All the tokens unless claimed stays in the blurt fund itself, not anyone personal. So in any case, it's the chain only that grows. I don't know more in detail, but if you check claims , rshares and numerical stuff, you might get a clear picture of how everything is balanced .
If you use official frontend, not this one