Why I liked Blurt?
Case Study 01: I know a person who is engaging lot of time to 'X' blockchain based social platform. He spent lot of time on that site to create contents. Once upon a time it became a great love to create a contents daily. So, he gained great reputation day by day. One day, in discord chat it arise misunderstanding with someone and created dispute. As a result, opposite person with his gang ruined his reputation with downvote. It's a not matter of plagiarism or spamming, it's a matter of showing power. And that person was mentally disappointed.
Case Study 02: A novice people tried to hard works to create contents and career on 'Y' blockchain based social platform. He just in his learning phase. One day he asked support from someone. But he did not know it's a not way to getting support. So, his early career was ruined by strong downvote. Here, it's a not matter of plagiarism or spamming.
My Thoughts
First of all I strongly dislike plagiarism, But open downvote button decrease of freedom of little fish. And big fish get extra oil from little fish and they get afraid to disagree with big fish. According to me downvote button not resist plagiarism, spamming at all.
To defend plagiarism, spamming it should create a central body by authorities. They always try to find out contents which is under plagiarism, spamming etc. They will warn and teach them proper way after that take action to defend them.