Why do you fall asleep while studying?

in blurt •  4 years ago 

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Suppose you sit down to read. Whether it's a textbook, or just a story-novel book. But after reading a few pages, he could not proceed. Because your eyelids are falling asleep. It seems that the fatigue of the state has come and filled the body. Now nothing can be more important for you than sleep. Thus, in spite of mental preparation and pre-planning throughout the day, it was not possible for you to read for a long time

Wondering, is it just you? Not at all. Millions of people around the world suffer from this problem. They can work a hundred times a day effortlessly, but as soon as they start reading books, they fall asleep. What is the reason behind this? Cheating? Inattention? The mind does not sit at the reading table?

No, even though we have identified these reasons behind the seeming fall asleep, experts have found various scientific reasons.

First of all, when reading a book, you have to keep your eyes fixed on the pages of the book, and at every moment you have to turn your eyes from left to right, then from right to left. Not only that, with the help of what the eye sees, the brain also has to create meaningful words, sentences and paragraphs, and understand what is meant by them. Again, the added stress of reading a textbook is added to the challenge of remembering the content for the future. As the eye muscles get tired due to the constant movement while reading in this way, the brain also gets short of breath while performing many tasks at the same time. Then both the eyes and the brain need rest. And what could be a better rest than sleep! That's why the eyelids gradually become heavier, and the need for sleep becomes available to the brain.

Another important thing is that many people want to create a comfortable situation for themselves while reading. Many may lie down, and many may lie down in a relaxed position. They think it will be easier to read in this way. But the reality is different. When the body is introduced to the feeling of comfort, the brain assumes that now is the time to rest. But then if one is going to do a mental work like reading, then the brain sits in rebellion. As a result, extra fatigue and drowsiness are felt.

Many people are ruining their entire careers because of this sleep. The next day's exam, more than half of the syllabus is still left, but due to sleep, it was not possible to read for a long time even the night before the exam - many people have to face such a horrible situation. As a result, there is no other way but to sit with folded hands or write down whatever you want by mixing the sweetness of the mind.

Today I just talked about the problem. Then I will tell you the way to avoid this problem.

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