Largest country in the world in size-
RussiaThe largest in Europe in size
Country - RussiaMost of the continent of North America
Largest country - CanadaThe largest country in Asia is China
The largest continent in South America
Country - BrazilOceania is the largest country in the continent.
AustraliaThe largest country on the African continent-
AlgeriaThe largest in South Asia in size
Den- IndiaThe largest country in the Middle East -
Saudi ArabiaThe second largest in the world in terms of size
Largest country - CanadaThe largest Muslim in the world in size
Country - KazakhstanThe world's largest Muslim by population
Country - Indonesia.The smallest of the UN in size
Country - MonacoThe smallest country in Europe -
VaticanThe smallest country on the African continent -
SeychellesThe smallest country in South America
Name - SurinameMaldives is the smallest country in Asia
Muslim is the smallest in the world in size
Country - MaldivesMost of the continent of North America
Small country - Saint Kitts and NevisOceania's smallest country -
Nauru.The smallest country in the world in size-
VaticanThe largest continent in size - Asia 8
Smallest continent in size-
Oceania.Largest continent by population-
25.Smallest continent in population-
26.The uninhabited continent of the world-
Antarctica.The world's largest country by population -
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