you know what Which country people use iPhone more?

in blurt •  6 months ago 

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American tech company Apple makes the iPhone. The popularity of this phone is high. But due to the high price, this smartphone is beyond the reach of common people. Still many people dream of using iPhone. Do you know which country people use iPhone more? Apple's largest market in which country?

No market in America: Apple is an American company. But surprisingly, iPhone is not so popular in the US. According to statistics, only 51 percent of Americans use an iPhone. 27 percent prefer Samsung phones. The rest use smartphones of other brands.


Biggest market for iPhone: The biggest market for iPhone is Japan. 59 percent of citizens of this country use iPhone. In other words, 3 out of every 5 people have an iPhone. 9 percent of Japanese citizens use Samsung phones. The remaining 32 percent people buy phones from other brands.

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Second and third: Canada ranks second in the list of countries with the most iPhone users. iPhone is the preferred brand of 56 percent of people here. Australia is in third place. 53 percent of people in this country use iPhone.

iPhone is also made in India

You will be surprised to know that iPhone is made in neighboring country India. The iPhone has grown in popularity in the country over the past few years. Sales have also increased. But still only 5 percent of people in the country use iPhone. 19 percent preferred brand is Samsung. According to statistics, 76 percent of people use smartphones of brands like Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo.

Read more: ++Are you hard of hearing? Apple brings special hearing aids++

What is the number of iPhone users in China?

Only 21 percent of people in China use an iPhone. Brands like Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo are booming here.

Other countries where the iPhone works

48 percent of people in Britain, 34 percent in Germany and 35 percent in France use an iPhone.

Besides, 18 percent and 18 percent of people in South Korea and Brazil use iPhone. 30 percent of iPhone users in Italy. Similarly, 20 percent and 12 percent of people in Mexico and Russia, respectively, use iPhones.

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