Today is a win

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Written on Feb 18th but posted 3/14/2022
My sons… my precious, perfect yet imperfect sons are home with me for the weekend. But today is a win in the ledger on my side. Today is the day that the powers that be, that reign over the court and make decisions on behalf of my children (instead of their mother) were finally able to see their father for the monster that he is.
Today I am victorious because I did not give up, I did not wallow in my bed, I did not give into the demands of someone who believed they knew better than me.
I am victorious because I am my children’s mother and I know what is best for my children. They are, after all, blood of my blood, bone of my bone created by God and gifted through me.
My war is not over yet, but today I won many battles. To be able to look evil in the face, see if or what it is, call it out for what it is, and be able to have other people see it for what it is is 100% a victory.
The only sage advice that I can give anyone at this point is to never give up, especially when you have done nothing wrong.

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