Be WARe the Ides of March

in blurt •  3 years ago 

This interesting “cyclone bomb” of a what we used to just call a cold front came through overnight Saturday with the worst of it hitting my area on Saturday morning. I realized that poor Coco had never heard thunder before because in the “Winter” in Florida we don’t get many thunderstorms.
It became the first time she was big enough and strong enough to jump into my bed. Mannnn was she thrilled by her accomplishment. She just laid there and wagged her tail in a promise to not move. Until … wait “is that cat always up here?” “Is this always where they are when I can’t find them?” With this new feat accomplished, I was reminded that it was time for her last round of puppy shots.
So we got dressed… yes WE got dressed and headed out. She loves her dresses. I know someone who would appreciate this one especially. It says “Yoga? I’m down dog!” Ms. Coco Channel is up to 48 lbs at just shy of 6 months old. She’s “leggy” but I am told she will stop growing taller soon and then start filling out. 🤷🏻‍♀️
After her shots, I did what any good dog mom would do and took her for a puppucinno at Starbucks. I figure the fat is good for her coat. Plus it’s her most favorite thing in the world.
On our way home, we stopped by the grocery store so I could grab a few items. I spotted these gorgeous lavender and fire roses. I’ve seen fire and ice (white with red tips) but never lavender with near red tips. I didn’t buy them. Maybe someday I will have someone in my life who will bring me flowers again.

For now, my focus is maintaining my inner calm, “winning” my kids back against my ex husband, which also means winning my kids back in their minds and hearts because their dad has led them so far off course. All I can do I be the mom they’ve always known and remain consistent. I also have started small weekly goals, medium bi-weekly goals and large monthly goals. Some of them are art projects that I can’t wait to share with you all. Some are simply remembering to eat 8 items of substance per day. Every day though is a reminder to be more kind to myself and to show more gratitude to those who have given me a path.

So 🥓, thank you for not only showing me different paths, but lighting the walkway, painting signs and often using neon directionals. I appreciate you.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)


Reverb... Bat Ack ya Sis-STAR
