New Gaming rig & witness server!

in blurt •  2 years ago 


Allow me to present my Gaming Rig! Which also happens to host my Blurt Witness!

It's been a long time coming, over 2 years to get it finally done, mainly cause I was lazy and didn't do much for most of those 2 years. It in fact only took a couple of weeks of hard work to finish this case.

My dad did all the work really. I just came up with the idea.

So this was build nearly 4 years ago but 2 years ago I decided to try and fix some of the issues from the first iteration. Mainly cooling and airflow.

So we added some vents as you can see, those are 3D printed. All the hardware was upgraded while we was at it and we also got the new versions of the RGB power cables.

Now for some Specs


As I mentioned above, I currently host a couple of virtual machines on this computer, One being my Blurt witness, @chisdealhd's blurt witness and our community's blurt witness @alloyxuast

Another is a Hive witness node, I also host @chisdealshd's gaming VM which uses some of my GPU power. And a 4th VM that hosts stuff that runs on node.js.

All of these Virtual machines will eventually be moved to a dedicated server machine I'm currently building. We need to modify a case we have so that it'll mount correctly as well as sort out HDD mountings.

After that I gotta spend a ton of money getting some 16TB HDDS.

It's going to be epic though, once the server is ready I'll be able to run a Blurt RPC node as well as one for hive and many other things.

So! If you like what you see feel free to vote for my as a blurt witness!
I'm pretty active offchain and hopefully will be more active onchain soon.
I've already done some development for the blurt witness software.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do you do your witness hosting on HDD or SSD?

I currently use NVME SSDs for my machine, blurt doesn't really require nvme level performance though,

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How about for Hive? Does that require nvme or can that run on HDD too?

For hive they say nvme is best but honestly I think normal decent sata HDD are enough, especially in a raid configuration.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Normal SSDs are fine, with HDD disk usage being slow, and so are the nodes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe someday you'll have to teach me how to be a witness. ☺

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This looks cool