Recognizing Gravity

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Gravity is all around humans without realizing it. It keeps humans on the ground and makes rain water fall to Earth. Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe, but it is the weakest.

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Scientists have long speculated about gravity. Ancient Greek and Indian philosophers observed that objects naturally moved toward the ground. Earth's gravity can also affect the planet's motion which is then called perturbation. The magnitude of Earth's gravity affecting the planets will be inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two planets, in other words, the closer the two planets are, the greater their gravity will be.

In addition, according to Andi, another benefit of Earth's gravity is that it can keep creatures living on the earth's surface standing upright and doing activities without feeling like they are "floating". Every object with mass has gravity which is always directed towards the object's center of mass.


Can Earth's gravity disappear someday? It's possible, but this will happen when the Sun swells as a red giant star, which could cause Earth's oceans to disappear (thus reducing Earth's mass) and thermal contraction (shrinkage) of Earth's core.

That's a little scribble that I put in this post. Hopefully this scribble can be useful and be a motivation for other communities.

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