So this being my second day on here I'm not entirely sure what to write about. I've been thinking about sharing some of the time I spent about 15 years ago when I went to Rwanda in Africa to help educate orphans and widows about the Bible. I am very blessed to have been able to receive a very good education. We were teamed up with another team that was able to assist in providing guidance for anything that was non bible related but our team would do the bible portion of the speaking.
I will share the very first time I ever preached in my entire life, it was not here in America but it was in a little tiny village somewhere in Rwanda. I remember the mom's carrying their little ones in baskets above them and some on their backs coming up a hill to this tiny church made completely out of straw. Only the benches were wooden and there was no electricity. At the time I was only 20 years old. I remember being given the mic to speak and there was a little box with it plugged in so everyone can hear me, it was portable and I had a translator by the name of Augustine who spoke 4 languages. He was able to help me translate into the local language.
I felt kind of bad at the end because I was so nervous and I really didn't know what I was saying as a 20 year old in a 3rd world country. I mean I did go on the trip with a genocide survivor who had all his family butchered back in the early 90's when it happened so seeing the country from his perspective was an eye opening worldview shattering moment for me. We were able to ride on the motorcycles there called pikipikis. We as a team were able to stay with the families in their houses and not in a hotel but to live with an actual family and get real hands on experience helping them cook and learn how their daily life works.
There are so many things to talk abut regarding this trip. I'm just flushing out memories at random here but let me say this, it was life changing in every way. Being in a country where a genocide occurred about 11 years ago at that time frame with a survivor who was running away is a whole different world of what I experienced. I was only there for 2.5 months but it was enough to change my heart and mind about the world at such a young age.