How to level up fast in Rising Star

in blurt •  3 years ago 

So I've been playing the game Rising Star for a few months now and I've always wondered what the best way to level was. I believe in the early stages of the game I only did the normal mission and completed as many as I could of that certain mission before I hit a brick and needed to be 5 levels higher to do the next mission. So what did I do?

Well I did music lessons at first, I think it was the singing lesson or guitar lesson I began with and just kept on doing them up to level 50. It was the fastest way to progress my leveling experience but what I did not know was that it would have been wiser to do the 1hr missions that reward you starbits because the experience is similar to the music lessons but instead of gaining skill you end up gaining starbits. I kind of way over leveled my skill and ended up with the following.


The problem with this picture is that once I'm that far over the amount of skill vs the fans I own I am losing out on starbits and it would be wiser to level up 1hr missions with experience similar to the music lessons and gain starbits and drunk fans on the way.

This does 2 things:

  1. You are able to earn starbits at a very rapid pace and save them up fast.
  2. You are able to buy packs with those starbits after a few days and keep furthering your progress.
  3. An extra throw in, if you have millionare mission you can easily gain 100,000 starbits in a few days for 12 packs.

So I ended up leveling up to 55 then began running the 5hr mission and hoping to gain 500-3000 starbits during that time. After one week of doing it I found it was not the best way to do it to earn starbits or level. Again I went back to the drawing board and chose the 1hr mission that rewards starbits and did a one day 11 hour straight trial and these are my results below.


As you can see there was a total of 5,835 starbits earned in 11hrs with an average hourly rate of 456.82 and I also earned 1,441 experience towards my level.

The big difference here is that if you are hurting with too much EGO and your starbits are being cut down then yes do the music lessons straight for a day but if you are in excess like of skill points then stick to the 1hr mission because it will reward you more than the 5hr missions. Of course unless you are about to go to sleep then let the 5hr mission run so when you wake up you get those extra starbits in there with you.

Now the amount I earn is based on the number of cards I own and that's very few actual fan cards. I mostly own 150 luck cards for doing massive skill missions between 222-456 each 1hr run. I've yet to even do a full week of these yet but if I did I would hit about 9000 skill points. But that aside what you will need to invest in is a few pizza slices to make this work.

Here is a simple list.

  1. Get several pizza slices, I own 11, use the starbits you earn daily to keep buying them until you can just keep doing a good 10hr run per day if you need to.
  2. Own 2 pizza boxes.
  3. After your mission you will have Energy % left so make sure to run at least 2 of the 5 minute missions for the hopes of getting a free pizza slice to keep it rotating.
  4. You will end up with a lot of free pizza slices because you are doing at least 2 5 minute missions after every 1hr mission so that's a total of 3 chances.

So once this happens you may say but hey the diminishign returns are horrible and I need to switch to music lessons because I'm not earning much at all. This is perfectly valid and one option you could do. If you are like me and are in the 2nd zone Local Gig Circuit then what you do is go back to Home Town zone and run the 1hr mission there. It's almost the same experience as the music lesson or the higher level lesson and you will have unused starbits for that day which gives you no diminishing returns.

If you are only in the Home Zone then feel free to just do music lessons. At around the 6th or 7th hour is when missions can begin to fall off and will require a switch.

Also notice the amount I made in my above chart is based off of the very few fans I own.


You can see in the chart with the amount of Starbits I began with and how it grew with drunk fans then plummeted down. I didn't switch for the test but I would have taken the lower zone to get higher amounts of starbits if I wasn't testing.

If you have any advice, corrections, or questions please feel free to let me know below.

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