Herbal tea series..#1-Ginger basil tea

in blurt •  last year  (edited)

Hi blurt..

Here I'll be sharing my first tea recipe.. And it's health benefits, best to my knowledge..

That is..,
Ginger basil tea recipe..

For making 1 cup of ginger basil tea..
We require,
2 cups of water
1 inch ginger
5-6 basil leaves
Sweetener of your choice..
That's it..!!

Boil 2 cups of water with ginger & basil.. Let it reduced to half..
You can add sugar, jagery, honey or stevia..
You can select any of the above sweetner but keep in mind every latter is better than the former one..
Choose it wisely..

I opt for sugarless when it comes to me.. But you can add any of the above sweetner with 2 drops of lemon juice to enhance its taste and benefits..

Here are some health benefits of..
Ginger(Adrak): Fights germs, Calms nausea & morning sickness, Soothes Sore muscles, Eases Arthritis, Curbs cancer growth, Lowers blood sugar levels, Eases period pains..
(Source: https://www.webmd.com/)

Basil(Tulsi) :Reduction of oxidative stress, Blood sugar regulation, Heart disease prevention, Anti inflammatory, protection against infections..
(Source: https://www.webmd.com/ )



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