Future of Cryptocurrency and your investment

in blurt •  8 months ago 

Cryptocurrency is again showing its bullish trend and as we know bitcoin is trading at 37k USD and nobody knows or predict the actual price in next few months but bitcoin has built such a valuable trust among investors who are 100% sure to invest in bitcoin but today we should know that why we invest and where we invest .We also will know and analyse the crypto in all the factors .

Bitcoin investment is massive profitable at this time because ETF and other way of trading bitcoin is trending in the market and the world are excitedly collecting bitcoin .The recent announcement and statement from different countries like China , India ,USA ,Russia all in favour of supporting bitcoin under regulation act and these are the reason bitcoin will skyrocket at any time .
Nowadays few bad things i mean negative things also revolving in the market about security and threat of bitcoin . Lets say if i have 25 bitcoin and i do not want to keep at CEX exchanges and even decentralised exchanges then what are the option ,few people will suggest about store in offline in bitcoin storing devices but there are no guaranteed to store it there for longer years because sometimes devices got faulted or missed somewhere and you don't remember.
I would like to share one screenshot pic with some lines about how 25 bitcoin got stolen .


I am not sure if this is true or not, but if it is man is this one sad story, collecting coins since 2012 and having several boating accidents worth only to see it all gone 11 years later must be heart breaking

As Bitcoin's value grows your stack will come under threat and you need to take better care of it, don't always rely on your current security and learn to improve your storage

Having a passphrase is great, but is pointless if you store it with your seedphrase in an online key storage service.

Having hardware wallets can help, but storing all your coins on one seed phrase isn't good management in my opinion.

Spread your risk around, have different storage methods and check your setup regularly


The value of bitcoin is far higher then gold and USD and definitely it is one of the best reserve currency going to be in the future but the security of it still in consideration regarding protection from stolen or lost .Digital currency looks really decentralised but this decentralisation may sometimes become threat of ourselves because once we lost we can not go to police and file any cases because who is the hackers and criminal ,hardly will find and identify .

Crypto currency surely going to shape the future of the world economy because it will control all the bad activities like corruption, money laundering ,financial mis- management etc but the security is still need to work on .
I will share one story about HOTBIT exchange which is centralised and i blindly stored there 0.25 bitcoin in their wallet and was relaxed about getting interest on it and one day that was horrible for me because HOTBIT just shut down and i lost it my all assets . The funny part is HOTBIT just compensate 50% of my asset and also gave me shitty coin called HTB hotbit coin which has zero value after shut down . so basically i mean to say ,should not blindly believe in any exchanges either big or small ,nobody knows hotbit will close one day .
Final word is if you want to invest in crypto then do not invest all in one but different platform and share the security threat around so loosing ratio will be down in case you lose your control on your asset.

Finally , do not invest in any shity crypto but bitcoin and other good one one your own research and if you find the currency has future then you ahead.

Thank you for reading my blog .


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