Let's learn how to generate curation report

in blurt •  2 years ago 

With this post, I'll help you understand how to generate a curation report.


  • Node.js basic knowledge
  • Node.js 16 installed on your system.

Step 1: Install dependencies

  • install following dependencies (with npm i)
    • dotenv
    • axios
    • @blurtfoundation/blurtjs
    • moment
    • fs

Step 2: Load dependencies

  • Create a file gen_report.js
const dotenv = require("dotenv"); 

var axios = require("axios");
var blurt = require("@blurtfoundation/blurtjs");
var moment = require("moment");
var fs = require("fs");

Step 3: Create .env file

  • Create .env file
  • Add BLURT_RPC value.
  • It could be any of the RPC node value

Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 6.35.07 PM.png

Step 4: Set up blurt RPC & create yesterday date.

blurt.api.setOptions({ url: process.env.BLURT_RPC, useAppbaseApi: true });

const now = moment.now();
const newNow = moment(now).subtract(1, "days");
const newNowFormatted = moment(newNow).utcOffset("+05:30").format();
const newNowFormattedDate = newNowFormatted.split("T")[0];

Step 5: Set up curation report header & footer.

const FOOTER = `your curation report footer goes here`;
const HEADER = `your curation report header goes here`;

Step 6: A function to load upvote data

  • Copy & paste following function.
  • Make sure to change sagarkothari88 from following function to your name.
  • It will avoid adding your upvotes of your own content.
function getUpvoteData(ofUser, limit) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    var data = {
      id: "1",
      jsonrpc: "2.0",
      method: "call",
      params: ["condenser_api", "get_account_history", [ofUser, -1, limit]],
    var config = {
      method: "post",
      url: process.env.BLURT_RPC,
      data: data,

      .then(function (response) {
        const result = response.data.result;
        var items = [];
        for (let item in result) {
          const operation = result[item][1]["op"];
          const operationType = operation[0];
          const operationData = operation[1];
          if (
            operationType !== undefined &&
            operationType === "vote" &&
            operationData["author"] !== "sagarkothari88"
          ) {
              author: operationData.author,
              permlink: operationData.permlink,
              weight: operationData.weight,
              datetime: result[item][1].timestamp,
      .catch(function (error) {

Step 7: Load yesterday's upvotes

  • Copy paste following function
  • Make sure to change sagarkothari88 to your name.
  • Make sure to change timezone to your timezone.
async function getUpvotedData() {
  var result = await getUpvoteData("sagarkothari88", 4000);
  var items = [];
  for (let item in result) {
    const timeStamp = result[item].datetime;
    const dateTime = moment(timeStamp, moment.ISO_8601)
    if (dateTime === newNowFormattedDate) {
      const entry = `| @${result[item].author} | https://blurt.blog/@${result[item].author}/${result[item].permlink} |`;
  return items;

Step 8: A function to print curation report to file.

  • Copy paste following function
  • Make sure to change timezone to your timezone.
async function printReport() {
    `Started at ${moment(moment.now()).utcOffset("+05:30").format()}`
  let text = HEADER;
  const data = await getUpvotedData();
  text = `${text}\n${data.join("\n")}`;
  text = `${text}\n${FOOTER}`;
  console.log(`Ended at ${moment(moment.now()).utcOffset("+05:30").format()}`);
  fs.writeFileSync("./blurt_report.txt", text);

Step 9: Generate report by executing the above function.


Step 10: Copy paste curation report

  • Locate blurt_report.txt
  • Copy paste into your post
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