I am Happy πŸ˜‡. Thank you for the witness Vote πŸ™

in blurt β€’Β  2 years agoΒ  (edited)

Post Content before 2-Nov-2022
For last couple of days, I've been seeing removal of approvals from witness votes.

After receiving witness vote, I was happy that my work, my contribution is being recognised & kept me motivated.

  • I have started posting updates on daily basis.
  • I've also started unbiased curation.
  • I am trying my best to contribute as much as possible
  • There is not even a single power down since I've started investing
  • Immediately after having enough Blurt power, I started curation. I am using different approaches & trying to be better day by day.

It is your choice. NO Force here

  • I agree that, giving vote or not, is your choice.
  • I also agree that, you are free to take back the witness vote.
  • My only request is, if possible, help me understand the reason behind taking back the witness vote.

Note: I've taken the screenshot after filtering/removing approvals.

Screenshot 2022-10-31 at 9.53.53 PM.png

Another Note:

  • I am not pointing to anyone specifically. I am talking in general about witness votes which have been removed.
  • I am not & Don't want to - force anyone to vote me for witness.
  • All I am asking is clarification - only if possible - whenever you remove witness approval

Why do I seek witness vote approval?

  • With witness ranking or number of witness votes (does not matter weight of the vote), I measure my credibility on the Blurt platform
  • With good witness ranking, I can earn some Blurt tokens

Witness does not mean free Blurt Tokens

  • I have seen many users saying that witness gets privilege to print free tokens
  • That is NOT true.
  • In order to run witness server, as a witness, you end up spending something.
  • You also end up spending some time in maintaining the witness computer.
  • According to me
    • Content creators earn tokens by posting their content
    • Content curators earn tokens by curating contents of others
  • Whereas witnesses, earn tokens by running witness node. But earning, depends on the Rank & good rank is determined by witness votes & their witness vote weight.

Witness does not mean - free upvotes in return

  • Many users who give approval of witness, always have expectation of getting upvotes in return favour.
  • If they don't get upvotes, they remove the witness vote.
  • Like I said earlier, Witness vote is NOT for getting votes in return but in-fact, in my opinion, witness vote is for motivating the contributor.

What is the Expectation I have in my mind?

  • I don't have desire to be even in top-10 to top-15.
  • If I am within top 15 to top 20, I am satisfied & motivated & committed.

Post Content After 2-Nov-2022

  • I am in top 10 witness
  • Oh my GOD. Thank you so much
  • I can not thank Enough.
  • I am honoured to receive vote from blurtbooster, initblurt, curationcoconut,
  • Thank you so much fervi, tekraze for your witness vote
  • It kees me motivated

Vote me as witnessDownload iOS AppDownload Android App
Vote me as Blurt WitnessDownload iOS AppDownload Android App

Have a good one

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Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Most of the older unapprovals were from that short time when you shut down your witness node in August. Most have reapproved once you turned your witness back on.

The latest is just Opidia who's throwing a tantrum because she was blacklisted on blurtbooster for posting plagiarized content and spam. She removed her witness votes from anyone who is friendly to the core team and switched her votes to those who are hostile to the team. She also started a smear campaign against the core team, spreading a bunch of false information to try to make us look bad.

You shouldn't take it personally when people remove their witness votes. Most of the time it isn't personal. People shuffle their witness votes all the time.

Anyway, you've more than earned my witness vote and I won't remove it as long as you keep your witness running and you continue to contribute to the platform.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Yes. I've clearly stated that - I've filtered out approved votes & showing the unapproved ones of life-time-span. And date is also visible next to the un-approval. So, my request was for last couple of witness vote removals.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

New UI to allow user to block user from anywhere
I agree that no one wants or like Mute/Block button but,
Apple & Google wants to have CLEAR-CUT-Visibility for blocking the users.
Based on their guidelines, I've added Block button on the app.

they don't like censorship?

is that extended mute or something new?

Posted from https://blurt.one

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Something what apple & google both wants

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β  (edited)

Will they pay you $ for this censorship implementation?

I would tell them gfy, there are other, non big tech app stores

Posted from https://blurt.one

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Will you handle all the legal stuff if Apple/Google/others file a complaint in a court if some user posts something illegal?

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

I made a hammer .
I sell this hammer to someone .
That someone kills a other person with it .
Can they sue me for creating and selling a hammer ?
Must i keep track and control on my hammer when i sell it ?

All other publisher right laws are utter bullshit and only there to
monopolize and guide/control the profit and fame .

A front end is a tool provided and maintained by someone ,.
don't make it more important then as it is .


Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 
Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Yeah lets invite google on to the blockchain ,.. lol .. no thank you .
I don't even have a working smart phone ,. and personally don't care for a mobile app . And for getting more people on the blockchain i would prefer quality ,. not quantity and zombie level minds wondering away from their controllers .

Plug your app true some other store ,.. most people do there best to dish anything close connected to google ,. the big info gatherer from the NWO and WEF . Damn dude ,.. blockchain social media was set as a counter to big tech scam sites ,.. your trying to combine water and fire ,.. it will not work .


Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Well, let me share my perspective.

  • Other apps like Ecency, Hive-Keychain - those apps are on AppStore.
  • Most user-base expects ease of access of the apps
  • Hence - AppStore & PlayStore

We are also going to use alternative methods for distribution too.
In fact, Blurt mobile apps are available via alternative methods at the moment

So, basically AppStore & PlayStore releases are for audience which are not here.
Once they are here on the platform, they can do well.

Believe me, I started on decentralised platform on 2022 & look at How I have grown. I believe that if we attract more people with all possible ways, it would be a win win situation.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Wtf you talking about boy?

Posted from https://blurt.one

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

@mariuszkarowski - I request you to take this feedback from apple & google positively.

Let me help you understand how.

  • Blurt is a decentralised platform
  • Only few are (who already are on Blurt) aware of decentralised social media.
  • Rest of the world, they still use centralised approach because that has become the mentality.
  • We need to bring more & more on decentralised platforms
  • If we put the apps on AppStore & PlayStore, it will get better visibility.

I agree that Both AppStore & PlayStore are centralised solutions from big mean companies - BUT if we put app on their stores, we'll be able to bring more members to Blurt platform.

We're also thinking of alternatives distribution methods.

  • AltStore.io (Planned)
  • Firebase App Distribution for Android (which we're already using)
  • Dropbox App Distribution for Android (which we're already using)
  • Unlisted App Distribution from Apple - we are thinking about this too
  • Enterprise app distribution from Apple - thinking about this solution too
  • TestFlight (which we are already using for iOS) with 10,000 users download limit

I request you to please spread positivity around the platform.
Thank you for the comment.
Have a good day.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

We're also thinking of alternatives distribution methods.

F-Droid if open source

Posted from https://blurt.live

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Yes @fervi - code is open source


and I've added F-Droid to to-do list. I am working on it.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Sorry, I bounce around a bit with witness votes and must have dropped yours by mistake~! Just restored it, keep up the good work.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 
Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β  (edited)

WOOPS …. Sorry about that. I rotate my votes every week to move different people up when I see that they are not getting much respect for the hard work they do.

I wanted to move Actifit to #1 but I didn’t have enough power. I will need to buy a few more million Blurt to move them up. …

I voted for you again. Keep up the good work.


Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Thank you @offgridlife πŸ™
Lots of ❀️ love

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Something really weird is going on here. Blurtlatam down and no-one says shit about it, now this? This is not normal. I didn't remove my vote but then I'm not 'in the club' so I wouldn't have got the memo. I wonder why they would want to remove you? Looks like an organized take-down to me.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

@northern-tracey - In my post, I've mentioned that the screenshot is after filtering the approvals & shows only disapprovals.

Screenshot also shows the dates on the right if you care to see.

Open this link, filter data by Account Witness Vote to see full data

  1. It is NOT sudden - I added screenshot of un-votes of life-time-span.
  2. Few users who un-voted me & they seems to have restored my vote.

I request you to keep calm πŸ™
I will try to reach out to @freakeao.
I have sent a message on discord & waiting for him to respond.

If I say that in similar manner for you (just kidding)
To me, it looks like organised FUD πŸ˜‚

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

I saw it wasn't sudden but it still looks 'organized'. I'm calm but then it's not me being taken down is it. You were the one crying. πŸ˜†

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Yes. I am the one crying but I still request you to keep calm πŸ™

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β  (edited)

Everything is controlled, they don't understand! You do an excellent job on the platform, I hope you return to the top 20. Thanks for making an app for Blurt, thanks for your curation reports, it's a great job, I understand it too, I spend many hours doing curation work. Don't be sad, that's what they want

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Thank you for your appreciative & motivative words. Thank you for acknowledging my work. I hope that I'll get in top-20, in fact, I am back to rank-24.
THEY is external factor. Sometimes it is not under our control & that's the reason of the post. I asked for the reason to the users who removed the witness vote.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

I know you deserve the witness vote too @randula. But I removed them to move @double-u to top3. I promise that when I accumulate more blurt, I will return the votes. It is not personal. Keep up the good work, lots of motivation, we all need it. And in the same way, thanks for the support you give to the project, all of us here support team-mexico in some way, it is better to grow slowly, but surely. πŸ₯°

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Wise choice

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 
Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

So you unvote the guy who is actually building a
mobile app to move up a guy that isnt even active on blurt anymore and sold all his stake and dumped the market? How does that even make sense.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β  (edited)

He wants to know who "they" are who control the platform. @saboin @megadrive @tekraze, among others

It is not like this? @double-u, @opidia,
@freakeao, @fervi, @mariuszkarowski, @ctime

Sorry for tagging them. I'm just being neutral, this is getting worse every day and something has to be done, it can't go on like this. I'm not interested in getting into trouble with anyone, you just have to act with the truth. πŸ₯°βœ…

And well, if they delete the comment, welcome to the platform of censorship.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β  (edited)

The platform has two layers:
Layer-1 the blockchain, 20 witnesses plus 1 rotating witness govern the chain

Layer-2 there are multiple frontends, each operator can include whatever moderation feature they feel comfortable to run, the content on the chain is immutable, the UI is filtered according to the operator, including ranking, mute etc.

The mobile app is included in the layer-2 stack, the app stores have requested blocking and user/content reporting features before they can review again to be listed on the app store.

If we want mass adoption there has to be moderation tools.

Also I notice Blurtlatam is down you may be wondering about that, I don’t know what’s happening there as Blurt Core doesn’t maintain it, I know the operators have faced a moral dillemma seeing their site being used to push hate speech to trending against those actually building, and users always demanding features without funding, maybe they had enough of the negativity and took down the site, I suggest the negativity start shifting to positivity so we don’t lose more developers and infrastructure, your vote choice today included.

Vote for builders, not haters!

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

And well, if they delete the comment, welcome to the platform of censorship.

Only you yourself can delete the comment.

Also, it's fine choosing witnesses. We don't recommend or ask anyone to vote a specific witness.

For me, @sagarkothari88 already know, why vote was removed. Also, I am just same witness and dev as Sagar mentioned.
People say to me as well that I earn free tokens, but they are not, they are for all.the work Sagar mentioned

Thanks for keeping your voice.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

"I know you deserve the witness vote too @randula"

Thank you for your kind words.πŸ₯Ί

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. TambiΓ©n, encuΓ©ntranos en Discord

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Thank you @abiga554

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

I'm not sure about why the votes are being removed. But it is surprising that this is happening gradually. Did you check with them on discord? There must be some reason as almost all the top witnesses are withdrawing their votes.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Hi @kpreddy,
Thank you for your reply.

In my post, I've mentioned that the screenshot is after filtering the approvals & shows only disapprovals.

Screenshot also shows the dates & I've taken only disapprovals of life-time-span.

Open this link, filter data by Account Witness Vote to see full data

It is NOT sudden - I added screenshot of un-votes of life-time-span.
Few users who un-voted me & they seems to have restored my vote.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Whining and crying works! Congrats.

Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

Throughout these whole conversation, I only gained one witness-vote back.
So, if you think that works, you may have some confusion.
Instead of whining & crying, I stack-up my blurt.

Posted from https://blurt.one