RE: Blurt Blockchain Analysis: How does 2024 look on Blurt?

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Blurt Blockchain Analysis: How does 2024 look on Blurt?

in blurt •  4 months ago 

I think there's something screwy with how your script calculates power down.

It shows my alts as having powered down, but that is not the case. The power down was from my main account, and it transferred the Blurt Power to my alts via vesting withdrawal routes.

That means that my alts should show as powered up, while my main account should show as powering down.

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  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Alright, corrected it! Seems like my painkillers led me to choose the wrong field of the answer of my request, I selected to account instead of from account 😅 Thanks for catching that mistake! 👍 I should have stuck with my initial instinct, paused before delving into the financial details, and tackled it tomorrow.